Sunday 25 December 2011

Sarbatori Fericite !

Spiritul bland al Craciunului sa va aduca implinirile asteptate, iar Anul Nou sa va bucure cu pace si prosperitate!

Multumim tuturor colaboratorilor, voluntarilor si prietenilor organizatiei noastre pentru suport si incredere, pentru rabdarea si timpul daruit proiectelor noastre.

Cele mai calde urari pentru fiecare sora sau frate roman oriunde s-ar afla in lume.

Echipa Societatii Romanca

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Invitation to composers 2011- Concerts, composers' talk, book launch and film: 29 June at 7.30pm & 6 July at 7.00pm

Dear Friends,

I am welcoming you to the new work of Invitation to Composers Project 2011.
Please come along and enjoy the work of contemporary composers that will be presented during this year in UK, France and Romania by Anda Anastasescu and London Schubert Players. The fist 2 event will take place in London:

Wednesday 29 June 2011 at 7.30pm
Bolivar Hall 54 Grafton Way, London W1T 5DL
Entrance free

Wednesday 6 July 2011 at 7.00pm
ICR London- 1 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PH
Entrance free

More information from

I am looking forward to see you,


Ionela Flood

Info Manager Association Romania
Partner of Invitation to Composers Project


Concerts, composers' talk, book launch and film: 29 June at 7.30pm & 6 July at 7.00pm

Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight,
and hurt not.
The Tempest, Shakespeare.

The London Schubert Players welcome you to the mysterious sounds of their next journeys:
- the magical musical world of Ravel and Faure
- the film-like music of the Jewish-Ethiopian story which brought many international awards to Radu Mihaileanu's film Va, vis et deviens
- a meditation by a Serbo-Croat composer on Japanese poet Basho
- the colourful and delightful rhythms of Venezuelan and Romanian dances
- the poetical paths of Heine, Baudelaire and Tennyson put to music by composers Silvestri, Cashian and Nickol.

The two events are part of Invitation to Composers international project, which has enriched Europe’s cultural heritage in 2010 and 2011 with 40 valuable works inspired by music, literature, visual arts, history and nature. It is building bridges between great traditions of music of the past and contemporary thought, without the use of electronics and non-musical experiments. It was one of 87 projects selected by the European Commission out of 298 for its recent cultural programmes. It has caught the interest, imagination and admiration of over 100 professional composers and 80 performers worldwide, the composition department of London’s Royal Academy of Music, record distributors, festival directors and music lovers.

The book to be launched contains the Bournemouth Symphony players' impressions about the legendary Romanian conductor Constantin Silvestri; and the unique film, shown publicly in Britain for the first time on July 6th, a tremendous performance of Silvestri conducting the French National Radio Orchestra in Liszt's poem Tasso and Silvestri's own work Prelude and Fugue (Toccata).

We want to share these journeys, entrance is free and a glass of wine will be waiting for you!

See you soon,
Yours in Music,
Anda and the London Schubert Players

European Union Culture Fund, Programme 2007-2013
London Schubert Players Trust
Lionel Tertis Foundation, London
Institutul Cultural Roman, Paris
Institutul Cultural Roman, Londra
Asociatia Info Manager, Bucuresti

British Council Romania
Universitatea de Muzica Bucuresti
Exclusive Holidays
Hotel Rembrandt
Opus Musica
Ambasada României in Marea Britanie
Ambasada României in Franţa
Universite Paris 8
Academia de Muzica Gheorghe Dima Cluj
Fundaţia Tertis
Music Information Centre Norway
Românca Society
Radio Ciocârlia
Asociaţia Adolescentul
Pro Diaspora

Radio Romania Cultural
Radio Romania Muzical
Radio Romania Actualitati
Radio Romania International
Romanian Global News
Liga Culturală pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni
Turism si Afaceri
Aşii României
Reţeaua Literară
Revista Vatra Veche
Fundatia Asturian
Fundaţia Heron
Asociaţia Unirea Viena
Ziarul Romanesc
Diaspora Online
Nou Horizont
Niram Art
Revista Oglinda

Români Online
Români in UK
Stewart’s Melville College Edinburg
The Griffon Partnership Norfolk

Tuesday 14 June 2011

“Diaspora românească şi fondurile europene”

“Diaspora românească şi fondurile europene”
Bucureşti, 14.06.2011

“Sute de români din străinătate se întorc acasă pentru a demara proiecte finanţate de Uniunea Europeană. Deja avem un număr important de conaţionali din Italia, Spania, Marea Britanie şi Grecia, care au depus proiecte câştigătoare şi beneficiază de fondurile europene. În calitate de preşedinte PDL Diaspora am solicitat, ministerelor de resort, trimiterea de specialişti la misiunile României din străinătate, pentru organizarea unor sesiuni informative dedicate cetăţenilor români, în vederea familiarizării acestora cu situaţia proiectelor şi a sumelor pe care le pot accesa. În acest fel atingem două puncte importante: pe de o parte repatrierea românilor, proiect la care lucrez din 2008 şi pe de altă parte crearea de noi locuri de muncă, prin implementarea proiectelor cu bani europeni" a declarat William Brînză, preşedintele PDL Diaspora, în cadrul primei conferinţe organizate pe tema fondurilor europene accesate de românii din străinătate.
Evenimentul, condus de preşedintele PDL Diaspora, William Brînză, a avut loc la sediul PDL Diaspora şi a reunit specialişti din Ministerul Dezvoltării, membrii Biroului Permanent Diaspora şi reprezentanţi mass-media.
În cadrul dezbaterilor, reprezentanţii Ministerului Dezvoltării au anunţat că perioadă de programare 2014-2020 prevede o alocare importantă pentru îmbunătăţirea, din punct de vedere social, a regiunilor mai puţin dezvoltate. De asemenea programele axate pe cooperarea transfrontalieră, cu accent pe integrarea rromilor, beneficiază de o atenţie specială.
În cadrul conferinţei, Preşedintele PDL Diaspora, William Brînză, a prezentat şi proiectul "infochioşcurile" la care lucrează încă de pe timpul mandatului ministrului Ioan Botiş, reluându-l astăzi cu noul ministru al Muncii, Sebastian Lăzăroiu. Potrivit deputatului Brînză, "infochioşcurile" reprezintă un proiect de anvergură prin intermediul căruia românii din afara graniţelor ţării vor avea acces gratuit la informaţiile de interes public.
“Pentru început, proiectul va fi implementat în Spania, Italia şi Franţa, infochioşcurile urmând a fi amplasate în zona de proximitate a misiunilor diplomatice ale României din străinătate. El va demera cel mai târziu în această toamnă şi va oferi informaţii din legislaţia muncii, informaţii importante pentru că românii să işi găsească mai uşor un loc de muncă în străinătate, dar si pentru ca aceştia să-şi cunoască drepturile şi obligaţiile, pe care le au în statul adoptiv", a declarat preşedintele PDL Diaspora William Brînză.

Birou comunicare

Expoziţie de carte şi port popular românesc, 20 iunie 2011, orele 18.30 , la sediul Ambasadei din 1 Belgrave Square, Londra

Expoziţie de carte şi port popular românesc

20 Iunie 2011, orele 18.30 – În prezenţa Ambasadorului României în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord, Dr. Ion Jinga, la sediul Ambasadei din 1 Belgrave Square, SW1X 8PH, va avea loc “Expoziţia de carte şi port popular românesc” organizată de Asociaţia Română din Ţara Galilor împreună cu Societatea Românca.

Evenimentul are drept scop prezentarea valenţelor portului popular românesc şi reuneşte următorii invitaţi:

- Dl. Vasile Timiş, Secretar de Stat, Ministerul Culturii şi Patrimoniului Naţional;
- Conf. Univ.Dr.Paula Popoiu, Director General, Muzeul Satului –Bucureşti;
- Conf.Dr. Elena Tirziman, Director General, Biblioteca Naţionala a României;
- Dr. Sanda Miller, scriitor şi lector universitar;
- Drd. Ionela Flood, scriitor, preşedintele Societăţii Românca

Conf. Univ Dr. Paula Popoiu va vorbi despre portul popular iar patru tineri români purtând costume naţionale vor pune în valoare culoarea şi farmecul tradiţiilor păstrătoare ale spiritului românesc.

Asociaţia Română din Ţara Galilor va face o donaţie de carte şi costume populare Ambasadei României la Londra.

Conf. Dr. Elena Tirziman va prezenta fondul de carte care face obiectul donaţiei, în dialog cu publicul.

Lansarea volumului de poezie Parfumul Ingerilor, de Ionela Flood, va completa programul serii. Cartea cu ilustraţii realizate de Ioan Astalus, Adina Romanescu, Petre Vlaic, Amy Lee şi Adela Ursache, este însoţită de un CD multimedia.

Evenimentul va include, de asemenea, un recital susţinut de pianista Diana Ionescu.

Acest proiect iniţiat de Ştefan Giurcă, membru fondator al Asociaţiei Române din Ţara Galilor, se bucură de sprijinul Administraţiei Prezidenţiale, Ambasadei României la Londra, Ministerului Culturii şi Patrimoniului Naţional, Bibliotecii Naţionale a României, Muzeului Naţional al Satului “Dimitrie Gusti” – Bucureşti, Ansamblului Folcloric Busuiocul Bacău, precum şi al Televiziunii Române.

Ionela Flood-Societatea Românca si Stefan Giurca-Asociaţia Română din Ţara Galilor

Saturday 23 April 2011

Urari pentru Sfintele Sarbatori Pascale / Happy Easter!

Sfintele Sarbatori Pascale sa va aduca lumina si implinire sufleteasca !

Echipa Societatii Romnaca


The Holy Easter Celebration may bring you light and soul's accomplishment!
The Team of Romanca Society

Te-ai coborat -muzica si versurile Corneliu Pavel

Icoana realizata de catre Aurelia Chiriac Carabinieru -Atelierul de iconografie al Societatii Romanca


Durerea striga in nestire
caci Adevarul s-a luat la harta
cu Omenirea dusa in ispita
pe-ntunecatele carari.

Caci ne-au cazut si pleoapele si gandul
Cand plansului-i venise randul
S-adune povara stransa pe comori
S-o curga in sirurile de cocori.

Cati ingeri s-au nascut pe cale
De nu ajunsera nici aripi, nici ninsoare
sa stinga flacara aprinsa cu Neindurare
de-atata Neputinta , Ura, Inselare?

De-atata plans si ganduri ferecate
De-al meu si-al tau si al Durerii
Pe marea de lacrimi adunate
Din cer ploua marunt si bland

Cu Pace si Mister.

Fragment din volumul Parfumul ingerilor de Ionela Flood, Ed Deliana, Bucuresti 2010

Sf Gheorghe-Icoana realizata de catre Aurelia Chiriac Carabinieru -Atelierul de iconografie al Societatii Romanca

Tuesday 22 March 2011

2011 Census: 27 March 2011

Dear VSN Members,

The 2011 Census Day is fast approaching and we need you assistance to ensure maximum completion and return rate in Hammersmith & Fulham. As you know, it’s in the interest of all who live and work in the Borough, that we do get the appropriate level of funding from the Government to meet local needs, so your individual and collective support is crucial at this time in spreading information about the 2011 Census. We need to work together to raise the response rate well above what was achieved in 2001.

CaVSA is a distribution point for 2011 Census information. Do come and collect copies of the following for distribution within your organization and to those you come in contact with:

v Census Information and Advice Leaflet

v Campaign Posters

v H & F Census Helpdesk Map

To collect any of the above, do pop by CaVSA between 10.00-5.00 Monday-Friday or phone 020 8748 6345.

Additionally, for a better understanding of the whole 2011 Census process, it would be really helpful if you could promote the National Census website at and the LBHF Census webpage at

Comunicat de Presa Departamentul pentru Romanii de Pretutindeni


Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni lansează programul „Curs de Limba Română”, cu scopul de a promova studiul limbii române în comunităţile româneşti de peste hotare.

Proiectul prezintă un caracter inedit, numărându-se printre puţinele resurse electronice disponibile care permit accesarea şi parcurgerea gratuită a unor module de studiu a limbii române.

Cursul se adresează românilor aflaţi în afara graniţelor care vorbesc limba română, însă nu au studiat într-o instituţie de învăţământ cu predare în limba română, precum şi celor care doresc să dobândească şi să îşi perfecţioneze cunoştinţele gramaticale şi de lexic.

Portalul vizează stimularea capacităţii de înţelegere, de dialog şi de asimilare a unei pronunţii corecte în limba română, fiind structurat în 3 module şi 30 de lecţii, formulate în funcţie de gradul de dificultate abordat. Cursul nu necesită cunoştinţe avansate de folosire a computerului, iar exerciţiile şi textele sunt însoţite de materiale audio şi ilustraţii care facilitează parcurgerea lor.

Acest portal poate reprezenta un instrument util atât pentru studiul individual, cât şi în cadrul orelor de limba şi literatura română.

Accesarea lecţiilor şi a modulelor este gratuită şi se poate face direct de pe pagina de index a Departamentului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni sau introducând adresa

Invităm presa de limba română şi mediul asociativ românesc din întreaga lume să susţină mediatizarea acestui portal ce are drept scop promovarea limbii române peste hotare.

Cursul de Limba Română a fost realizat cu sprijinul DRP, în cadrul unui proiect propus de Liga pentru Utilitate Publică.

Improving family policy across Member States: Hearing discusses problem of ageing population

The EESC has conducted a hearing on 'The role of family policy in demographic change: Sharing best practice among Member States'. Held on March 21, this meeting consulted a range of perspectives from a number of stakeholders on family matters, with a view to improving and sharing practices between Member States. The hearing was organised at the request of the Hungarian Presidency, to target the problem of how to give tangible recognition to the substantial contribution that families make to society.

In his opening address, Staffan Nilsson, EESC President said: "Europe must set an example in matters of intergenerational equity and solidarity and the problem of ageing population is both a challenge and an opportunity for Europe".

The hearing was chaired by Luca Jahier, President of the EESC Various Interests' Group and included presentations from Miklós Soltész, Hungarian Minister of State for Social, Family and Youth Affairs and Anna Záborská, Chair of the Intergroup on Family, Protection of Childhood and Solidarity between the Generations. There were also contributions from experts, contrasting the experience of different Member States.

According to the EESC, the social and economic benefits of the family should be appreciated. Insufficient support for families could result in a substantial increase in costs, especially in terms of welfare services.

Demographic challenges need to be quickly tackled by providing incentives to work and viewing older people as an asset rather than a burden. The Committee is also committed to looking ahead and is already working with the future Polish presidency on demography and the labour market. Furthermore, it intends to support the idea of proclaiming 2014 as a European Year for families.

The Hungarian Presidency took the chance of this hearing to launch at EU level its thematic week "Europe for families, Families for Europe" which will be organised next week in Budapest and which will be concluded by an Informal Council of Ministers for family, to which the Committee will present the results of the hearing and its own contribution.

More information, contact:

For more information please contact:

Barbara Gessler, EESC Press Unit,

Tel.:+32 2 546 8066;

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Organised civil society to have a strong say in food security policy at European and global level

The President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has called on agriculture ministers from Europe and elsewhere in the world to involve civil society players in discussions on trade and global food security. During the International Agriculture Ministers’ Panel discussions in Berlin last Saturday, President Nilsson stressed the need to involve farmers, consumers, and other civil society stakeholders in discussions geared to finding sustainable solutions to food security.

At the International Agriculture Ministers’ Panel Discussions held during the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin (20-22 January 2011), EESC President Nilsson urged ministers to work to successfully complete the Doha Development Round under the WTO, to improve market access for developing countries, and to step up production capacities.

“The typical farmer in the world is a woman” concluded President Nilsson, addressing a top-ranking ministerial panel comprising, inter alia, Pascal Lamy, Director of the World Trade Organization, Ilse Aigner, German Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Dacian Cioloş, European Commissioner for Agriculture, and Bruno Le Maire, French Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.

Food secu rity is one of the main planks of the EESC President’s programme. The EESC will be actively involved in European and global debates on food secu rity in 2011, and will work closely on this issue with the French Presidency of G8/G20.

For more information, please contact:

Coralia Catana | President's Spokesperson |

+32 (0)498 984 613




Tel./Fax: 00381-30-433718;

Mobil: 00381-63-1700455


În zona Valea Timocului, Serbia, sunt situaţi aproape 250.000 de Români, fără şcoli în limba maternă, fără medii în limba Română. S-au pastrat obiceiurile de la strabunici.

Este importantă construirea acestei biserici pentru pastrarea identitatii de romani.

Avem nevoie de ajutor financiar pentru înfiinţarea unei biserici Romaneşti în Bor Serbia,dimensiuni 24x16m ,stil vechi romanesc.

Puteţi să ne contactaţi la adresa de sus.

Va mulţumim!

Bojan Barbucić

Saturday 15 January 2011

International Conference on "Management of Technological Changes"– organized by "Gheorghe Asachi" -1-3 September 2011 in Greece

Dear Colleagues,

Regarding the 7th International Conference on "Management of Technological Changes"– organized by "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania, through Center for Continuing Education and Training (CETEX) in Alexandroupolis, Greece, on September 1st-3rd, 2011, we remind you that the abstract submission deadline is February 1st, 2011, at midnight Romanian time (GMT + 2h).
The 2011 conference will debate the Impact of Globalization on Technological Changes upon organizations and society that will lead to sustainable development.
We would like to announce you that seven Conferences organized by CETEX – “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi are now indexed in the “ISI Web of Knowledge” ISI Proceedings Database.

Important Deadlines:

Abstract submission
February 1st, 2011
Notification of acceptance of abstracts
February 15th, 2011
Submission of full papers
March 15th, 2011
Notification of full papers acceptance
May 31th, 2010

For further details, please visit our website:

Important issues:

Conference Topics
Conference Fees
Scientific Committee
Manuscript preparation
Abstracts and Papers
MTC Short History

Warm regards,

Prof. Costache RUSU PhD
MTC 2011 Editor

The 7th International Conference on Management of Technological Changes – MTC Organizing Committee
"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Center for Continuing Education and Training - CETEX
53 Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd.
IASI - 700050, ROMANIA, Tel./ Fax: +00 40 232 213 708,

Sunday 9 January 2011

International Conference in Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management, Cluj-Napoca, 17th-19th of March 2011.

The Technical University of Cluj -Napoca invites you to the 1st International Conference in Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management, Cluj-Napoca, 17th-19th of March 2011.

Conference Topics

Quality Engineering and Management
Track coordinators: Sorin POPESCU
- Quality and performance management
- Technology and quality improvement
- The future of quality
- Quality for “life”
- Education for quality and Quality for education
Innovation Engineering and Management
Track coordinator: Stelian BRAD
- Innovative processes and models
- Methods and tools for innovation
- Business and process innovation
- Innovative quality tools
- Barriers and success factors for quality and
- E-Innovation and E-Quality
Design Engineering and Management
Track coordinator: Daniela POPESCU
- Product development
- Sustainable product innovation
- Organizational intelligence and competitive
- Project management
- Quality systems and organizational excellence
- Industrial Metrology
- Quality measurement and control
- Management for sustainability

Important Dates:
Abstract submission: January 5, 2011
Abstract acceptance notification: January 12, 2011
Full-paper submission: February 14, 2011
Full-paper acceptance: March 7, 2011

Conference attendance & electronic proceedings 100 €
Printed proceedings 25 €
Gala dinner 25 €
PhD students will receive 50% discount of the above fees

Papers will be reviewed and published in the official Conference
Proceedings. Selected papers, in expanded version, will be
considered for publication as full-length research papers subjected
to full peer reviewing with appropriate revisions in scientific journals
indexed in international databases.

The primary objective of QIEM 2011 is to provide an international
forum for researchers to discuss the state of the art in the fields of
quality and innovation and to disseminate their recent advances and
their views in these areas.
The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, as the main organizer of the
conference, proposes the Conference Topics in order to capitalize
upon the research activity, experience from the
major fields of interest within the Department of Machine-Tools and
Industrial Robots.

For additional information please refer to:
Conference website:
Tel / Fax: +40 264 415710

The support of the EU funded project
POSDRU/18/1.2/G/9136 is acknowledged with gratitude

Professor Marieta Olaru, Ph. D.

Head of the Research Center for Business Administration
Department of Science of Commodities and Quality Management
University: The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
5-7 Mihail Moxa, Sector 1, Bucharest - 010704; Office: 3302
Tel: 004 – 0722 922 797