Saturday 25 December 2010

Sarbatori Fericite!

Sarbatorile de iarna sa va petreaca spre Anul Nou cu inocenta copiilor colindand spre inimile noastre si spre viitor! Sarbatori linistite cu pace si armonie!

Echipa Societatii Romanca

Craciun Fericit

Craciun Fericit
sperantelor ascunse prin zapezi
colindelor revarsate princiar pe strazi

Craciun Fericit
Romanilor risipiti printre nameti
si candelei aprinse pentru Sfinti

Craciun Fericit
oricarui clinchet rasunand cosmopolit
din gandul mamei impletind colaci

Craciun Fericit
copiilor impartasiti in graiul stramosesc
cu acelesi radacini de Feti Frumosi

Craciun Fericit
si doinei rasunand in vechi trompeti
peste un viers ce-l risipim peste hotar

Craciun Fericit
cununei ce se coace in bobul adormit
si focului ce arde-n zarea de argint

Craciun Fericit cu steaua stralucind la infinit
iubirii nerostite pe Pamant

Craciun Fericit!

Ionela Flood Poezie din volumul Parfumul Ingerilor, Bucuresti 2010

Ilustratie de carte Parfumul Ingerilor- Colindul Crinului de Amy Lee

Colindul Crinului de Ionela Flood, interpretat de Corneliu Pavel -fragment din Cd-ul promotional al volumului de poezii Parfumul Ingerilor, lansat la Gaudeamus Book Fair 2010

Sarbatori Fericite - Departamentul pentru Romanii de Pretutindeni

Dragi români de pretutindeni,

Îmi face o deosebită onoare şi totodată bucurie, acum, la sfârşit de an, să vă adresez cele mai calde felicitări cu ocazia sărbătorilor de iarnă atât de dragi nouă, românilor.

Fie ca lumina sărbătorilor să vă intre în case şi în suflete, să ne adune pe toţi în jurul valorilor creştine, să petrecem Crăciunul şi venirea Noului An alături unii de alţii, plini de speranţă şi bucurie.

În spiritul acestor valori, vă adresez cele mai calde urări de sănătate, linişte sufletească şi împliniri şi îmi exprim recunoştinţa pentru dedicaţia şi puterea cu care, de-a lungul anilor, aţi reuşit să menţineţi spiritul românesc viu.

Încredinţându-vă de întreaga noastră preţuire, vă doresc un An Nou al bunăstării, al liniştii şi al bucuriei!
Cu aleasă consideraţie,

Eugen Tomac

Secretar de stat pentru românii de pretutindeni

Thursday 25 November 2010

Se deschide Biblioteca "Ioan Alexandru", prima bibliotecã româneascã din Glasgow

Se deschide Biblioteca "Ioan Alexandru", prima bibliotecã româneascã din Glasgow
Biblioteca "Ioan Alexandru " din Glasgow, Scoţia, se lanseazã vineri 26 noiembrie 12.00-14.00, cu binecuvântarea Înalt Preasfinţitului Mitropolit Iosif al Europei Occidentale şi Meridionale la Parohia Ortodoxã Românã “Întâmpinarea Domnului” din Glasgow, acolo unde sunt gãzduite cele 4000 de titluri de carte în limba românã.

Biblioteca este deschisã în memoria scriitorului Ioan Alexandru, care a scris printre altele şi seria de “Imne” dedicate zonelor istorice româneşti.

Ideea acestui proiect a fost iniţiatã în urmã cu 2 ani la Congresul Spiritualitãţii Româneşti de la Alba Iulia, ca parteneriat între Biblioteca Judeţeanã “Petre Dulfu”, Fundaţia Asturian din Târgu-Mureş, Societatea Românca din Marea Britanie şi Liga Culturalã pentu Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni.
Realizarea proiectului beneficiazã de spaţiul generos al Parohiei Ortodoxe Române “Întâmpinarea Domnului” din Glasgow sub îndrumarea preotului paroh Marcel Oprişan, de donaţia de carte a Bibliotecii Judeţene “Petre Dulfu” din Baia Mare şi suportul Consiliului Judeţean Maramureş. Binevenite sunt şi contribuţiile personale ale celor implicaţi în acest proiect.

Lansarea bibliotecii "Ioan Alexandru" în Glasgow face parte din proiectul “COMEUROBIB” iniţiat de Biblioteca Judeţeanã “Petre Dulfu” şi care vizeazã crearea unui spaţiu cultural românesc într-o serie de oraşe din strãinãtate. Pânã acum, proiectul a fost realizat în Ucraina, Budapesta, Viena, Spania, Republica Moldova.

Biblioteca "Ioan Alexandru" , care este cea de-a doua bibliotecã din Reţeaua de biblioteci Românca , dupã deschiderea în 2009 a bibliotecii "Mihai Eminescu" la Londra gãzduitã de doamna Daniela Rãileanu la Bookeeping Efficiency.

Începând de sãptãmâna viitoare, românii din Scoţia vor putea sã citeascã şi împrumutã cãrţi, sã se documenteze din tratate din domenii variate (sociologie, filosofie, afaceri şi jurnalism.), precum şi cãrţi pentru copii, albume, atlase, enciclopedii, dicţionare, cãrţi de poveşti, cãrţi de beletristicã dar şi ştiinţifice, toate în limba românã.

Membrii comunitãţii româneşti din Scoţia sunt invitaţi la deschiderea oficialã a bibliotecii "Ioan Alexandru ", la eveniment luând parte, pe lângã iniţiatorii proiectului, printre care Teodor Ardelean, directorul Bibliotecii Judeţene “Petre Dulfu” din Baia Mare, câţiva consilieri judeţeni, domnul Mihai Delcea şi doamna Ionela Flood preşedinta Societãţii Românca din Marea Britanie.


Recital susţinut de corul “Psalmodia Transylvanica” de la Facultatea de Teologie din Cluj condus de pãrintele profesor Vasile Stanciu.

Discurs susţinut de domnul Teodor Ardelean, directorul bibliotecii Judeţene “Petre Dulfu” şi oaspeţii sãi de la Consiliul Judeţean Maramureş.

Doamna Ionela Flood va prezenta un recital de poezie din volumul “Ţãrmurile iubirii”, câştigator al premiului Grigore Vieru 2009 şi al premiului prefecturii Alba Iulia, precum şi din volumul “Parfumul îngerilor”.

Pãrintele Vasile Stanciu de la Institutul Teologic din Cluj, va evoca memoria scriitorului Ioan Alexandru, pe care l-a cunoscut personal.

Prezentãrile de carte cuprind câteva noutãţi editoriale: broşura proiectului european "Invitaţie pentru compozitori 2010" -London Schubert Players Trust; "Parfumul Îngerilor"- de Ionela Flood; "Lumea satului – de George Smarandache; "Instantaneas en cuatro hilos -de Ariadna Petri si "Cuvintele luminii/The words of light" -de Ariadna Petri.

Expoziţie cu ilustraţie de carte din volumul “Parfumul îngerilor” de Ionela Flood, realizate de: Ioan Astalus, Amy Lee, Adina Romanescu, Adela Ursache şi Petre Vlaic.

Detalii şi contact pãrintele paroh Marcel Oprişan
111 Killin Street,
G32 9AH


Vã aşteptãm la acest eveniment încãrcat de semnificaţii, sãrbatorind cu aceastã ocazie Ziua Naţionalã a României şi Ziua Naţionalã a Scoţiei, precum şi Ocrotitorul celor douã ţãri, Sfântul Andrei!

Ionela Flood
Societatea Românca

Saturday 20 November 2010

Programul de schimburi culturale şi educaţionale româno-britanic, semnat la Bucureşti

Programul de schimburi culturale şi educaţionale româno-britanic, semnat la Bucureşti

Ministerul Afacerilor Externe – Bucureşti/ La 15 noiembrie 2010 a avut loc la sediul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe semnareaProgramului între Guvernul României şi Guvernul Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord pentru cooperarea în domeniile educaţiei, ştiinţei şi culturii pentru perioada 2010-2014.

Documentul a fost semnat, pentru partea română, de secretarul de stat pentru Dezvoltare Instituţională şi Relaţia cu Parlamentul în cadrul MAE, Anton Niculescu, iar pentru partea britanică, de E.S. Martin Harris O.B.E, ambasador extraordinar şi plenipotenţiar al Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord la Bucureşti. La ceremonia de semnare a participat şi directorul British Council, domnul Nigel Townson.

Secretarul de stat Anton Niculescu a subliniat importanţa semnării acestui Program, arătând că „documentul semnat la 15 noiembrie 2010 acoperă un spectru larg de cooperare culturală vizând domenii de actualitate ale agendei europene, precum economia cunoaşterii, industriile creative, dialogul intercultural, patrimoniul cultural, spaţiul european de cercetare, asigurarea calităţii în educaţie şi în educaţia non-formală, formarea profesională etc.”

Totodată oficialul român a precizat că „programul cultural lansat acum ne oferă ocazia de a saluta cooperarea sectoarelor non-guvernamentale din cele două ţări” şi şi-a exprimat satisfacţia „în legătură cu lărgirea ariei de colaborare, dincolo de relaţiile inter-instituţionale, mai ales în ceea ce priveşte administrarea unor teme precum patrimoniul cultural, schimbările climatice, dezvoltarea durabilă, formarea generaţiilor de tineri lideri”.

Ambasadorul britanic Martin Harris a relevat în discursul său că „de multe ori, cultura şi educaţia sunt ambasadori mai buni decât alte instrumente de colaborare bilaterală” şi a amintit că „în domeniul culturii, s-au realizat nenumărate proiecte în teatru, literatură, muzică, arhitectură, urbanism şi alte arte vizuale cu parteneri din România.”

În acelaşi timp, diplomatul englez a precizat că „noul acord de cooperare cuprinde câteva elemente deosebite şi demonstrează importanţa pe care, atât Marea Britanie, cât şi România, o acordă pregătirii cetăţenilor lor pentru o Uniune Europeană inovativă şi competitivă la nivel global.”

„Documentul semnat introduce concepte noi, cum ar fi economia creativă şi economia cunoaşterii şi pune accentul pe dezvoltarea unor domenii de impact la întregul nivel al UE: asigurarea standardelor şi calităţii în educaţie, consolidarea societăţii civile prin intermediul schimburilor culturale şi învăţarea limbilor moderne”, a mai spus ambasadorul Marii Britanii în România.

Informaţii suplimentare:

Documentul trasează liniile cooperării bilaterale în domeniile culturii şi educaţiei pentru următorii patru ani şi cuprinde prevederi privind schimbul de experienţă în domeniile dialogului intercultural, învăţământului profesional, economiei creative şi economiei cunoaşterii; sprijinirea activităţii şi funcţionării ICR Londra şi a British Council România; promovarea contactelor directe între instituţii şi specialişti din domeniile educaţiei, culturii, patrimoniului, ştiinţei, dialogului intercultural, economiei creative şi economiei cunoaşterii; schimbul de materiale informative în domeniul artelor vizuale şi arhitecturii contemporane; organizarea de acţiuni comune în domeniul muzeal; instituirea unui program de burse în domeniul educaţiei formale şi non-formale pentru specialişti în domeniul patrimoniului cultural; organizarea de evenimente în domeniul asigurării calităţii în învăţământul superior şi al formării profesionale; sprijinirea organizării cursurilor de management educaţional, de limbă engleză şi a examinărilor de limbă engleză; încurajarea contactelor între specialiştii în politici educaţionale din cele două state; recrutarea, pentru perioade scurte de timp, de profesori, pentru a preda în sistemul educaţional din celălalt stat; încurajarea cooperării directe între universităţi, institute de cercetare, organizaţii în vederea consolidării Spaţiului European de Cercetare.

Romanian-UK cultural and educational exchange progamme signed today in Bucharest

Ministry for Foreign Affairs – Bucharest/ On 15 November 2010 the Programme between the Government of Romania and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for Co-operation in the Fields of Education, Science and Culture for the Period 2010-2014 was signed at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The document was signed, for Romania , by the MFA State Secretary for Institutional Development and Liaison with Parliament, Anton Niculescu and, for the UK , by H.E. Martin Harris O.B.E., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Bucharest . British Council director Nigel Townson also attended the signing ceremony.
State Secretary Anton Niculescu highlighted the importance of the Programme, stating that “the document signed on 15 November 2010 covers a wide-ranging cultural cooperation in major areas of the European agenda, such as knowledge economy, creative industries, intercultural dialogue, cultural heritage, the European Research Area, quality assurance in education and in informal education, professional training etc.”
The Romanian official further said that “the cultural programme launched now gives us the opportunity to welcome the cooperation between the two countries’ nongovernmental sectors,” and expressed satisfaction “with the broadening of the collaboration area beyond interinstitutional relations, notably in connection with the management of such themes as cultural heritage, climate change, sustainable development, or the training of young generations of leaders.”
British Ambassador Martin Harris showed in his address that “culture and education are often better ambassadors than other bilateral collaboration instruments.” “In the areas of culture,” he also said, “many projects have been achieved with partners from Romania , in the fields of theater, literature, music, architecture, urbanism and other visual arts.”
Concurrently, the British diplomat stated that “the new cooperation agreement contains some special elements and proves the importance both Britain and Romania attach to training their citizens for an innovative and globally competitive European Union.”
“The document introduces new concepts, such as creative economy and knowledge economy and emphasizes areas whose impact extends over the entire EU: assuring quality standards in education, consolidating civil society through cultural exchanges and learning modern languages,” the UK ambassador to Romania added.

The document sets forth the main lines of bilateral cooperation in the fields of culture and education for the next four years. It contains provisions on swaps of experience in point of intercultural dialogue, vocational training, creative economy and knowledge economy; supporting the operation of the Romanian Cultural Institute in London and of the British Council in Romania; promoting direct contacts between institutions and specialists in education, culture, heritage, science, intercultural dialogue, creative economy and knowledge economy; exchanging informative material on contemporary visual arts and architecture; organizing museum-related joint actions; instituting a programme of scholarships for the formal and informal education of cultural heritage specialists; organizing events realted to quality assurance in higher education and professional training; supporting the holding of educational management courses, English language courses and examinations; encouraging contacts between educational policy specialists in the two states; recruiting teachers to teach for brief periods in the educational system of the other state; fostering direct cooperation between universities, research institutes, and organizations with a view to consolidating the European Research Area.

Cristina-Narcisa Nita
Press Attaché
Embassy of Romania in the UK
Arundel House
4 Palace Green
London W8 4QD
Tel.: 0044 20 7937 9669
Fax: 0044 20 7937 8069
Mobile: 0044 75 00 55 88 44

Saturday 13 November 2010

EU and Mediterranean civil society reach historic deal on a joint Assembly

12 November 2010

EU and Mediterranean civil society reach historic deal on a joint Assembly

Civil society organisations from the EU and countries around the Mediterranean met in Rome from 10 to 12 November 2010 for the annual Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions. In what they hailed a historic move, they adopted a statute for the future civil society Assembly and agreed to seek consultative body status within the Union for the Mediterranean .

Speaking at the summit’s opening session European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) President Staffan Nilsson expressed “hope that the Assembly will reach its full potential in helping to build a peaceful future in the Mediterranean region through closer and permanent ties between civil society on all shores”.

The Assembly of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions will seek consultative body status within the Union for the Mediterranean 's institutional structure, along the lines of what has been achieved with the UFM Parliamentary Assembly (UfM-PA) and the Euromed Local and Regional Assembly (ARLEM).

The statute of a new Assembly foresees a rotating Presidency and Bureau, as well as equal spread of seats between the EU and the 16 partner countries in order to guarantee a North-South balance. It is seen as a ‘living document’ that can be adapted to civil society’s needs over time.

The civil society participants’ warm support for the Assembly was echoed by the European Commission representative Tomás Dupla del Moral who welcomed the creation of the Assembly as a “joint body that will make sure that many communities are associated with the UfM giving them the opportunity to tackle the numerous challenges facing the Euromed region.” Civil Society efforts were crucial to the UfM because they “complemented the initiatives being made at intergovernmental level and they opened up further possibilities for dialogue.”

"Diplomacy is not enough to achieve a sustainable solution for the Mediterranean ", said Christophe Rouillon, Vice-President of the French Association of Mayors, representing the President of the Committee of the Regions at the conference. "Participative democracy has to be put at the heart of the debate, in terms of both strengthening it and of direct cooperation between social stakeholders or regions and towns on both sides of the Mediterranean ", he added.

The Summit, which was organised by the Italian National Council of the Economy and Labour (CNEL) and the EESC, also saw a diverse range of civil society stakeholders and visiting experts from the region examine crucial themes such as decent work and sustainable development around the Mediterranean, vocational training as a factor for competitiveness and job creation, building a fairer society in the Euromed region and agricultural policies in the UfM countries. With the new Assembly, these valuable, in-depth discussions between expert citizens’ representatives can be fed directly into the UfM’s decision-making mechanisms guaranteeing, as the CNEL President Antonio Marzano pointed out, “a direct civil society impact on current crisis resolution efforts, as well as political momentum for a brighter future.”

More information about the Summit :

Kind regards,
Isolde Juchem
Press Service, EESC

Friday 5 November 2010

Census 2011 - important information

The following link are for the publicity , please share with your networks and email groups.

1. Census leaflets ( publicity in different languages )

Every ten years, the census provides an accurate snapshot of the country’s population, informing important decisions and policies. Local councils also relies on census population statistics to get the government funding it needs for public services. How much it gets is directly related to the number and characteristics of the people the census says live in the area. So even if the Census were to end up just a few households short, or miss some important sections of the community, it could make a very real difference to people’s lives. The Census needs to include everyone, everywhere – and that’s why everyone has to take part.

2. Recruitment is now underway for over 35,000 temporary part time and full time vacancies, please help inform local communities about these opportunities via the census job site.

Warmest regards

Abdi Mohamed Ibrahim
Census Community Advisor
07801 331 633

Invitatie participare expozitie-concurs

are plăcerea să vă invite la Ediţia I a Concursului Internaţional de Creaţie
„ROMÂNIA PRIN OCHII COPIILOR NOŞTRI “, care se adresează copiilor şi adolescenţilor din Diaspora şi cuprinde secţiuni pentru pictură, sculptură, grafică şi benzi desenate.

Lucrările artiştilor vor fi prezentate publicului în cadrul unei expoziţii, la Bucureşti, iar cele mai merituoase vor fi premiate.
Din juriu vor face parte personalităţi ale culturii române, iar rezultatul se va anunţa în data de 05.12.2010, cu speranţa ca participarea să fie cât mai numeroasă.
Ne bucurăm să ne cunoaştem şi copiii şi adolescenţii din afara ţării cu suflete curate şi talent artistic şi sperăm ca această manifestare culturală să ne lege şi mai puternic şi să devină o tradiţie!

Concursul se adresează copiilor şi adolescenţilor cu vârste cuprinse între 3 şi 17 ani. Concurenţii vor trimite până la data de 01.12.2010 câte o lucrare prin preşedinţii organizaţiilor teritoriale PDL aferente din Diaspora, însoţită de datele personale: numele şi prenumele, data şi locul naşterii, adresa şi numărul de telefon, adresa electronică. Mentionăm că lucrările vor rămâne organizatorilor cu acordul primit din partea autorilor. Aceste lucrări vor putea fi utilizate cu prilejul evenimentelor viitoare.

Lucrarile pot fi trimise la urmatoarele adrese de mail :;

Toţi participanţii vor primi diplome de participare.

Preşedinte OF PDL Diaspora,


Wednesday 3 November 2010

Referendum la nivel european cu scopul de a cere pastrarea remediilor pe baza de vitaminesi a TERAPIILOR NATURISTE

S -a pornit o initiativa de referendum la nivel european cu scopul de a cere pastrarea remediilor pe baza de vitamine si a TERAPIILOR NATURISTE care se vor a fi excluse in baza Codex Alimentarius

Este sansa noastra sa mai putem alege o viata sanatoasa si naturala. Sunt necesare 1.000.000 de voturi.

Alatura-te si tu daca vrei sa mai avem acces la hrana sanatoasa si terapii naturiste ori pe baza de vitamine.

Codex Alimentarius
Tratatul de la Lisabona

Genocidul planetar incepe in 2010
In 30 de ani vor muri trei miliarde de oameni: unul din lipsa hranei, alte doua din cauza bolilor . Directive: eliminarea suplimentelor naturale, a mineralelor si vitaminelor. Animalele vor fi tratate cu hormoni si iradiate, iar plantele – modificate genetic. Cine va folosi produse naturale va face inchisoare. Usturioul,menta si alte produse comune "vor deveni droguri"
De la 31 decembrie 2009, Guvernul Romaniei a inceput, alaturi de alte 165 de state semnatare (reprezentand aproape 85 % din populatia planetei), implementarea temutului Codex Alimentarius. Un compendiu de legi alimentare, de factura nazista, introdus de AG Farben si care va stabili regulile de alimentatie ale natiunilor. Implementarea, prevazuta pe mai multe etape, porneste de la faptul ca populatia globului este mult prea numeroasa ca Terra sa poata sustine o alimentatie naturala. Astfel, produsele trebuie modificate genetic, construite in laborator, aditivate si iradiate. Toate aceste date pot fi studiate pe site-ul
Conform acestui site, Romania a trimis deja formularele de inscriere si aderare in ultimile zile ale anului trecut, iar din iulie 2010, dupa intalnirea de la Roma va incepe implementarea proiectului, prima etapa prevazand plantele modificate genetic, precum si normativele aditivilor alimentari. In privinta aditivarii sunt implicate marile concerne farmaceutice mondiale, aceleasi care sunt acum implicate si in fabricarea vaccinurilor anti-gripale, precum cel impotriva virusului AH1N1.
Secretul hranei artificiale
Codex Alimentarius este unul din cele mai bine pastrate „secrete deschise”. Este finantat de Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii (OMS) si Organizatia pentru Alimente si Agricultura (FAO), ambele apartinand de ONU. Este cel mai mare dezastru pentru sanatatea noastra, intrucat va interzice elemente vitale de alimentatie. Adeptii teoriei conspiratiei sustin ca planul “Guvernului Mondial” e menit sa decimeze populatia planetei, aflata in continua crestere. Daca pana acum razboaiele mondiale erau cele care reglau numarul populatiei, de acum solutia sta in alimentatie. Aceiasi adepti sustin ca in 30 de ani de la implementarea Codului, populatia planetei se va stabiliza la doua miliarde, o masa suficient controlabila, care este indeajuns pentru resursele planetei si care este in acord cu normele de poluare etc. In acest interval un miliard de oameni vor muri din lipsa elementelor principale de hrana, iar alte doua miliarde datorita bolilor ce vor fi generate in organism.
Hrana farmaceutica si cancerigena
Denumirea Codex Alimentarius provine din limba latina si se traduce prin codul produselor alimentare. Reprezinta o colectie de standarde alimentare adoptate la nivel international, care au ca scop declarat protectia sanatatii consumatorilor si asigurarea practicilor corecte in comertul alimentar. Codex Alimentarius cuprinde standarde pentru toate alimentele, fie ele preparate, semipreparate sau crude si pentru distributia catre consumator, prevederi in ceea ce priveste igiena alimentara, aditivi alimentari, reziduuri de pesticide, factori de contaminare, etichetare si prezentare, metode de analiza si prelevare. Codex Alimentarius intentioneaza sa puna in afara legii orice metoda alternativa in domeniul sanatatii cum ar fi terapiile naturiste, folosirea suplimentelor alimentare si a vitaminelor si tot ceea ce ar putea constitui mai mult sau mai putin un potential concurent pentru industria chimiei farmaceutice. Cine se va opune sau va folosi alimente in afara Codex-ului va face inchisoare. Practic, omenirea va avea parte de o hrana farmaceutica. Doctorul Matthias Rath, un specialist german care duce campanii la nivel mondial pentru folosirea tratamentelor alternative in cazul multor boli grave, descrie aceasta situatie astfel: „Adevaratul scop al industriei farmaceutice mondiale este de a castiga bani pe seama bolilor cronice, si nu de a se ocupa de prevenirea sau eradicarea acestor boli. Industria farmaceutica are un interes financiar direct in perpetuarea acestor maladii, pentru a-si asigura mentinerea si chiar cresterea pietei de medicamente. Pentru acest motiv medicamentele sunt facute pentru a alina simptomele si nu pentru a trata adevaratele cauze ale bolilor. Trusturile farmaceutice sunt responsabile de un genocid permanent si raspandit, ucigand in acest mod milioane de oameni. La fel va fi si in cazul Codexului care nu e altceva decat o masura de decimare a populatiei planetei care va manca produse farmaceutice, ce vor fi iradiate, vor contine cobalt si vor fi modificate genetic, generand cancere.”
Aplicatiile Codexului
Directivele Codex-ului Alimentarius enuntate de catre Directiva Europeana in ceea ce priveste suplimentele alimentare trebuie aplicate sub amenintarea sanctiunilor financiare.
1) Eliminarea oricarui supliment alimentar natural. Toate aceste suplimente vor fi inlocuite de 28 de produsi de sinteza farmaceutica, care vor fi dozati si vor fi disponibili numai in farmacii, pe baza de prescriptie medicala. Clasificate ca “toxine” (!!), vitaminele, mineralele si plantele medicinale vor fi pe piata numai in doze care NU au impact asupra nimanui. De exemplu coenzima Q10, glucosamine etc., vor fi ilegale, folosirea lor sanctionandu-se cu inchisoarea.
2) Medicina naturista cum ar fi acupunctura, medicina energetica, ayurvedica, tibetana etc, vor fi interzise.
3) Agricultura si alimentatia animalelor vor fi reglementate conform normelor fixate de trusturile chimiei farmaceutice, interzicand din principiu asa numita agricultura bio. Aceasta implica, de exemplu, ca fiecare vaca de lapte de pe planeta sa fie tratata cu hormonul de crestere bovin recombinat genetic produs de Monsanto. Mai mult, potrivit Codexului, orice animal de pe planeta folosit in scopuri de hrana trebuie tratat cu antibiotice si cu hormoni de crestere. Regulile Codexului permit ca produsele ce contin organisme modificate genetic (OMG) sa nu mai fie etichetate corespunzator. In 2001, 12 substante chimice despre care se stie ca sunt cauzatoare de cancer, au fost interzise in mod unanim de 176 de tari, inclusiv de SUA. Ei bine, Codex Alimentarius aduce inapoi 7 dintre aceste substante interzise, precum hexachlorobenzene, dieldrin, aldrin etc, care vor putea fi folosite la liber din nou.
4) Alimentatia umana certificata legal va trebui sa fie iradiata cu Cobalt. Sub regulile Codexului, aproape toate alimentele trebuie iradiate. Si nivelurile de radiatie vor fi mult mai mari decat cele permise anterior. Codex Alimentarius va controla accesul asupra acizilor aminati esentiali, asupra vitaminelor si mineralelor.
Cum va fi implementat programul
Pe langa Romania, la Codex Alimentarius au mai aderat alte 165 de tari, ai caror reprezentanti se intalnesc alternativ fie la sediul FAO de la Roma, fie la sediul OMS de la Geneva. Urmatoarea intalnire are loc in 2010, la Roma. Acum, Comisia functioneaza dupa un Plan Strategic, elaborat pentru perioada 2008-2013. Obiectivele stabilite pentru aceasta perioada sunt promovarea unor cadre solide de reglementare a activitatilor, si anume un sistem solid national de control si sisteme de reglementare legislative pentru intregul lant alimentar.
- suplimentele alimentare nu se vor mai comercializa nici in scop preventiv, nici terapeutic
- vor fi necesare retete pentru toate medicamentele peste o doza extrem de mica
- usturioul sau menta, alaturi de alte produse comune, vor fi considerate droguri de categoria a 3-a care pot fi comercializate doar de catre marile corporatii farmaceutice
- toate suplimentele alimentare ce vor aparea vor fi interzise pana ce nu vor trece anumite teste prevazute in noul cod
- produsele modificate genetic vor fi comercializate fara avertizarea consumatorilor, niciun fel de eticheta nefiind necesara
Specialistii in nutritie preconizeaza ca aplicarea acestui program va produce, in maximum 30 de ani de la implementare, peste trei miliarde de victime umane, un miliard murind din cauza lipsei de hrana alte doua miliarde din cauza bolilor generate in organism si cauzate de proasta calitate a alimentelor disponibile.

"Sperantele divine si universal valabile sunt visele inaltatoare ale omului care vegheaza"G.B.

Summary of activities at the Romania Pavilion in the six months of participation in Expo Shanghai 2010

Romania - Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Bucharest, 1 November 2010

Summary of activities at the Romania Pavilion in the six months of participation in Expo Shanghai 2010

Romania – 6 months of participation in World Expo
* 5,473,000 visitors in 190 days;
* Romania-China Cultural Week held at the Pavilion, an event attended by MA Zhongping, President of the local Parliament of Shaanxi Province, Zhou Yibo, Vice-President of the local Parliament, Geng Jian, President of F&J Education Fund, Olivier Rasat, Director of the EU Pavilion;
* Daily shows performed by “Dorna Dorului” ensemble and “Harghita” Szecklers’ folklore ensemble;
* Artistic show by “Harghita” Szecklers ensemble on 28 October 2010, as part of “West Lake Expo” held in the town of Hangzhou;
* Continuation of the cultural programs “Travelling Piano” and “Music: Unity in Diversity”;
* Economic forum for the promotion of Romanian wines – an economic mission;
* Painting and photographic art exhibitions: Photographic Memories (Florin Andreescu), Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition (Zhou YIBo), Cube Exhibition, Play Space (architect Adrian Neculai and students of Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism), Şincai Art Exhibition (Manuela Botiş, Teodor Botiş, Smaranda Suciu, Petru Lucaci, and also works by a group of students of Gh. Şincai High School), photo exhibition on Fashion and Ecology (Cosmin Gogu, Marius Baragan, Gabriel Hennessey, Alex Gâlmeanu, Ionuţ Staicu, Codrin Serghei, Roro Şerban, Tibi Clenci), painting and photo exhibition “Better City, Better Life,” organized by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport;
* Visits by 140 delegations.

Romania – 5 months of participation in World Expo
* 4 million visitors;
* 180 official delegations;
* Over 3,100 artistic shows, concerts, dance performances;
* Staging of thematic Weeks for the promotion of Romanian products: “Ciuc Beer Week,” “Ursus Beer Week,” and “Jidvei Wine Week”;
* The cultural agenda of Romania’s Pavilion included a new series of artistic events, such as:
* Folk music and dance shows by “Dorna Dorului” ensemble and “Harghita” Szecklers ensemble;
* Folklore show by “Dorna Dorului” ensemble on 24 September 2010, as part of the “Moon Festival” in Hangzhou, at the invitation of the local government of Hangzhou Municipality;
* As part of “Travelling Piano” tour, on 26 September 2010, pianist Peter Pazicky from Slovakia and guitar player Hugues Navez from Belgium gave a concert on the stage of the Romania Pavilion at EXPO 2010. The event was organized by the European Union and was considered one of the major cultural programs staged by EU at EXPO 2010;
* Instrumental music concerts – violin, viola, clarinet and piano, performed over 2 August – 15 September 2010, by representatives of the Music School of Timişoara, namely Sextet “Musica Omnia” and Quintet “Capriccioso;
* Folk music and dance shows from the national and international repertoire of “Nagyvárad” Ensemble of the State Philharmonic or Oradea, over 2 August – 15 September 2010;
* The series of shows under the heading “The Dolls Shop,” performed by the children’s ballet troupe “Studio M Ballet” of the Bucharest National Opera House, over 3 – 12 September 2010. The artistic program included fragments from famous ballet shows like: “The Nutcracker,” “The Swan Lake,” “Don Quixote,” with the dancers performing, besides the classical variant also jazz dance and modern dance;
* The official delegations who visited Greenopolis in September, included: a Romanian-Chinese delegation made up of former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Sergiu Celac; the Director of the Romanian Institute for International Studies, Ambassador Nicolae Ecobescu; the President of Foundation EURISC-European Institute for Risk Security and Communication Management, Liviu Mureşean; the Deputy Director of the Chinese Institute for Contemporary International Relations, Li XIN, and researcher from the Institute for International Studies, Zhao Long – 10 September 2010;
* The visit of a group made up of 45 personalities holding important positions in various fields of activity of Chinese society, graduates from the prestigious Chinese “Shaanxi Xian Jiao Tong University,” headed by Geng Jian, President of F&T International Group.

Romania – 4 months of participation in World Exhibition
* Over 2,900,000 visitors;
* 2,400 shows performed by Romanian artists;
* Artistic shows performed by Oradea Folklore Ensemble (Nagyvarad) and representatives of the Music School of Timişoara;
* The opening of the cultural exchange program on the stage of the Romania Pavilion under the heading “Music - Unity in Diversity”;
* Concerts given on the Greenopolis stage by the chamber music group “Romanian Piano Trio”- Alexandru Tomescu, Horia Mihail and Răzvan Suma;
* IT mini-exhibition - “Romania – Creative talent. Technical excellence”;
* Aeronautics mini-exhibition “Together into the Future”;
* Visits by 130 official delegations and a large number of personalities from various domains;
* The most important visit by a foreign delegation to the Romania Pavilion was the one paid by the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Catherine Ashton.

Romania – 3 months of participation in World Expo
* 2,150,000 visitors;
* Over 1,800 artistic shows (around 20 every day);
* Events for the promotion of Romanian-Chinese commercial relations (Romanian-Chinese economic forum, Romanian Fashion Week in Shanghai and an exhibition of general products);
* Artistic shows performed by “Zece Prăjini” brass band, “Căluşarii Slatinei” folklore ensemble, “Imporioso” Quartet and “Composito” Quintet;
* Romania Week in Shanghai;
* Celebration of Romania National Day at the World Exhibition, with Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Baconschi in attendance;
* Gala performance, with the participation of the National Radio Orchestra, conducted by Tiberiu Soare, on the occasion of the National Day;
* A series of concerts performed by Damian Drăghici and Grigore Leşe on the stage in Europe Square within EXPO 2010;
* Visitor No. 2,000,000 to the Romania Pavilion was awarded a prize on 24 July.

Romania – 2 months of participation in World Expo
* 1,300,000 visitors;
* Round table on energy and infrastructure issues and a Romanian-Chinese business forum;
* Presentation of the invention “Method and installation to increase energy yield when burning natural combustible gas,” by physicist Aurel Enache;
* Romanian Wine Show;
* Concerts performed by “Holograf” band.

Romania – 1 month of participation in World Expo
* 330,000 visitors;
* “Romanian Wine Week”;
* The first series of artists on the stage of the Romania Pavilion in Shanghai: “Crişana” folklore ensemble and “Shavale” brass band;
* The Romania Pavilion participates in the events occasioned by Europe Day at Expo 2010;
* Over 400 hours of cultural programs.

Impressions by high officials who visited the Romania Pavilion

The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton: “The cultural events hosted by Romania’s Pavilion have made it famous amongst the other participants. Before my visit here I had learnt about the cultural events going on every day at your Pavilion.”

Hua Junduo, Commissioner General for Expo 2010 Shanghai, China: “Romania’s wonderful Pavilion has deeply impressed us through its unique architecture and wide variety of exhibition forms. We have discovered one of the most impressive Pavilions on the entire site of the World Exhibition. Thank you once again for the efforts you and your team made for building a Pavilion fitting so closely the theme of Expo 2010 Shanghai.”

The Secretary General of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), Vicente Gonzales Loscertales: “You have managed to create a special area and visitors are greatly attracted by what they can find here. I congratulate you on this achievement, everything is very beautiful.”

Zhou Hanmin, member of the Standing Bureau of the Chinese People’s Political-Consultative Conference and Deputy Director of the Executive Committee of World Exhibition 2010 Shanghai: “The design of the Romania Pavilion is quite special within the EXPO site and I would like to mention that Romania’s participation in EXPO 2010 Shanghai is a good opportunity to develop and strengthen bilateral relations.”

1 noiembrie 2010
Comunicat de presă

Participarea României la Expo Shanghai 2010, la final

Pavilionului României a organizat în data de 31 octombrie 2010, festivitatea care a marcat încheierea prezenţei la Expoziţia mondială de la Shanghai .

Ultimul spectacol pe scena Pavilionului a fost susţinut împreună de cele două ansambluri folclorice - Dorna Dorului şi ansamblul secuiesc Harghita.

Cu această ocazie, Ferdinand Nagy a premiat ultimii doi vizitatori care au trecut pragul Pavilionului României Liu Jing, 39 de ani, asistent manager şi Emily Chen, 28 de ani, ingineră.

„Prin participarea la Expo Shanghai, ne-am dorit să aducem în faţa publicului vizitator, tot ceea ce este reprezentativ pentru România: cultură, tradiţii şi obiceiuri, potenţialul turistic, dar şi să contribuim la promovarea unor proiecte care să crească prezenţa României în acest spaţiu extrem de atractiv din punct de vedere cultural şi economic”, a declarat Ferdinand Nagy, Comisarul general pentru Expo Shanghai.

Timp de 6 luni, echipa României şi-a propus ca, prin activităţile organizate, pavilionul României -Greenopolis să ocupe un loc distinctiv în preferinţele vizitatorilor.

„În cele 184 de zile de expoziţie Pavilionul României a fost vizitat de 5.473.000. Întreaga activitate de diplomaţie publică, desfăşurată în cadrul Pavilionului României a însemnat în primul rând o muncă de echipă, dar şi un efort susţinut, de a prezenta cât mai bine profilul României, la nivel mondial. (...)„După primele evaluări pe care le-am făcut, rezultatele pe care le-am obţinut confirmă obiectivele pe care ni le-am propus de la început pentru expoziţie: vizibilitate ridicată, prezenţă culturală susţinută şi dezvoltarea de noi contacte în diferite domenii ”, a spus Ferdinand Nagy.

Acesta a mai subliniat faptul că „bilanţul participării României la Expo Shanghai 2010 nu este unul final odată cu închiderea Expoziţiei, ci România aşteaptă ca unele ecouri ale obiectivelor să fie atinse pe termen mediu şi lung, aşa cum s-a întâmplat şi după alte expoziţii. Rezultatele participării la Expoziţia mondială din 2005, de la Nagoya-Japonia, au apărut abia în anii următori.”

Prezenţa României la Expo Shanghai în cifre:
* 5.473.000 de vizitatori în cele 190 de zile (184 de zile de expoziţie şi 6 zile de pre-opening);
* 5.500 de spectacole interactive susţinute pe scena pavilionului;
* 12 ore pe zi de spectacole artistice zilnice;
* Peste 400 de artişti români pe scena Greenopolis;
* Peste 70 de artişti din diferite ţări au concertat pe scena pavilionului;
* Prezentarea a 6 expoziţii de artă;
* 8 spectacole live susţinute în site-ul EXPO şi 4 spectacole în afara expoziţiei;
* Peste 600 de delegaţii dintre care 250 delegaţii oficiale au vizitat Pavilionul României;
* În cadrul celor 7 evenimente de promovare a relaţiilor comerciale româno-chineze au fost organizate 8 acţiuni de promovare economică şi comercială dintre care: 5 mini expoziţii specializate pe produse (expoziţie în domeniului vinurilor, expoziţie în domeniul aeronauticii, săptămâna modei româneşti, expoziţie generală cu ocazia ”Zilei Naţionale a României la EXPO 2010”, expoziţie de produse şi servicii IT), un forum al investitorilor şi două misiuni economice tematice (energie şi infrastructură, promovarea vinului românesc, echipamente şi produse agroalimentare).

La nivelul acoperirii mediatice în cele 6 luni de expoziţie, site-ul Pavilionului ( a fost vizitat de 291.110 de vizitatori, iar evenimentele organizate au beneficiat de o acoperire mediatică semnificativă în cadrul expoziţiei (peste 150 de articole şi interviuri).

Pavilionul a primit din partea organizatorilor un premiu de excelenţă pentru contribuţia echipei României, ca ţară participantă, la reuşita Expo Shanghai 2010, per ansamblu. Premiul a fost atribuit acelor pavilioane care prin conceptul de participare au răspuns cel mai bine tematicii expoziţiei mondiale.

”Expoziţiile mondiale sunt prin natura lor adevărate platforme de prezentare a specificului fiecărei ţări, a istoriei naţionale, a dezvoltărilor ştiinţifice şi tehnologice, şi mai ales de interacţiune umană. Prezenţa la un eveniment de o asemenea anvergură este nu doar o oportunitate de promovare, ci mai ales o necesitate”, a adăugat Ferdinand Nagy, Comisarul General pentru EXPO 2010 Shanghai, China.

Un rezumat, în imagini, al celor şase luni de prezenţă a României la Expo Shanghai se găseşte la adresa de internet:

Informaţii suplimentare:

Considerată cea mai mare expoziție mondială organizată până în prezent, Expo Shanghai a reunit peste 200 de ţări şi organizaţii internaţionale, reuşind să strângă în cele 6 luni, aproape 73 de milioane de vizitatori.

Derulată sub genericul „Un oraş mai bun, o viaţă mai bună”, Expo Shanghai s-a desfăşurat între 1 mai -31 octombrie şi a fost prima expoziţie mondială având ca tematică dezvoltarea urbană şi relaţia dintre oraş şi stilul de viaţă şi mediul înconjurător.

Potrivit Convenţiei Biroului pentru Expoziţii Mondiale (BIE), expoziţiile internaţionale se încadrează în două categorii: mondiale (între 6 săptămâni şi 6 luni), cu o temă generală şi o durată de cel puţin 5 ani între două astfel de evenimente şi expoziţii internaţionale (între 3 săptămâni şi 3 luni) şi având o temă specifică. România a participat, după 1989, la toate expoziţiile mondiale şi internaţionale organizate sub egida BIE: Sevilia (Spania) 1992, Taejon (Coreea de Sud) 1993, Lisabona (Portugalia) 1998, Hanovra (Germania) 2000, Aichi (Japonia) 2005, Zaragoza (Spania) 2008.

Următoarea expoziţie mondială va avea loc în 2015 la Milano, Italia.

Direcţia Comunicare
Aleea Alexandru nr. 31, Sector 1
011822 Bucureşti, România
Tel.: +40 (0)21 431 1186
Fax: +40 (0)21 319 2195

Cristina-Narcisa Nita
Press Attaché
Embassy of Romania in the UK
Arundel House
4 Palace Green
London W8 4QD

Tel.: 0044 20 7937 9669
Fax: 0044 20 7937 8069
Mobile: 0044 75 00 55 88 44

Saturday 2 October 2010

Euroscene Bytesize: September edition - Launch of the London ESFRegional Framework

The London ESF Regional Framework 2011-13 has now been launched so read the summary below and then download it from the LDA’s website as this will provide much information and context as to how the ESF Programme will roll out in London over the next few years with much activity anticipated soon after the Coalition Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review.
The CFO Plans will be published after the CSR with tendering rounds taking place in the final weeks of 2010 and early weeks of 2011.

Launch of London ESF Framework 2011-13
LVSTC ESF Partnership Portal soon to launch
CFO Procurement Timetables
Health, Work and Well-being Conference
CFO News
Skills Funding Agency (SFA) - PQQ Launch – ESF Youth Programme
National Offender Management Services (NOMS)
London Councils
Department for Work & Pensions
London Development Agency - ESF Co-financing Programme 2011-2013 Launch and information from events now available

Launch of London ESF Framework 2011-13
In preparation for the second half of the ESF London Programme, worth £423m to the capital, the ESF Regional Framework has been launched and is now available to download from the following link: This sets the scene for the various Plans of the Co-Financing Organisations which in turn determine the pattern of tenders to be released over the next few months. These will finance initiatives taking place over the period to 2013 with the usual 2-year run-on to 2015.
In his foreword, the Mayor of London focuses on how ESF will support Londoners and London ’s businesses through economic hardship and into recovery. In particular, he writes: “This versatile programme supports Londoners who have never accessed education, employment or training, or whose lives have taken a wrong turn and are looking for a second chance. It helps Londoners who lose their jobs or need to improve their skills to compete in an even tougher labour market.”
He closes with an affirmation of the key leadership role of the London Skills & Employment Board in pursuing the close collaboration of the various delivery bodies to minimise overlap. The objective is integrated commissioning: “a more joined up service both for those of you who seek to access European Funds; and most importantly, for the Londoners who benefit from them.”
As with so much in the current public domain, the next steps will be significantly influenced by the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review due to be announced on 20th October. However, an important regional steer is evident through The London Statement of Skills Priority 2011/12 produced by the LDA and the LSEB:
• high level skills are critical to driving the economy
• ensuring a basic platform of employability skills
• boosting the quantity and quality of Apprenticeships in key growth areas
• improving Leadership and Management skills
• developing progression routes for low-skilled workers
• focus on sustained employment and progression outcomes.
The Framework also takes into consideration those changes that may take place in London ’s economy or new and emerging strategies:
• the new DWP Work Programme
• the proposed ‘folding in’ of the activities of the LDA into the GLA
• the development of Local Enterprise Partnerships
• developing activities and priorities that may result from the consultations on the Skills Strategy and the Further Education and Skills Funding System.

The intended attraction of the Programme is still to providers large and small. The Framework precedes warming activities through the autumn with the main tendering rounds getting underway between the end of October and the early New Year.
For more information, as it emerges, keep in touch with LVSTC.

LVSTC ESF Partnership Portal
LVSTC are please to announce the launch of its new Partnership Portal. With the prospect of application rounds starting towards the end of the year, it is a good idea to start thing about prospective partners for your application.

The portal is slightly different than those produced for earlier application rounds in that the data captured relates to the work of your organisation only and does not ask questions about specific tenders.
When a funding application round is launched, we will contact you about your interest in order to provide additional search filters to the portal.
Registration is free and you can enter your details at
We will start publishing details by 5th October 2010.

CFO Procurement Timetables
For details on the expected procurement timetables for each of the 5 ESF Co-financing organisations (Skills Funding Agency, DWP, LDA, NOMS and London Councils), please visit: You can also download a copy of the London ESF 2011-2013 Programme Update from this webpage, which provides an outline on the type of services to be commissioned under each area of the programme.
Good Jobs; Good for Health & Good for Business
Health, Work and Well-being Conference
14 October 2010, City Hall, London SE1 2AA
The Greater London Authority, the London Development Agency and the London Health Commission are jointly hosting the Good Jobs, Good for Health & Good for Business conference. The event will be held on Thursday 14 October from 10.30am-4.30pm at City Hall.
The main objective is to facilitate exchanges, debate and networking on good health and work practices between experts in the public, private and voluntary sectors.
The event forms part of the 2010 EU Open Days, the annual get-together of experts in regional and local development. For more details on EU Open Days please visit the EU Open Days website.
The event will comprise a range of high profile speakers from the health, employment and skills fields including Pamela Chesters, the Mayor’s Advisor on Health and Youth Opportunities.
Participation on this event is free of charge and registrations must be received by the deadline of 8 October 2010.
For a more detailed programme and information on how to register please visit the London Development Agency’s news and event pages of the website.

Skills Funding Agency (SFA) - PQQ now closed –ESF Youth Programme

The Skills Funding Agency launched a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) in August for the provision of Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) youth services in England which has now closed.
Any provider who’s interested in tendering to deliver the Skills Funding Agency NEET provision in London needs to be registered on the SFA’s e-tendering portal and those respondents that met the deadline will be notified of results from 4th October 2010.

A decision on the NOMS ESF contracts is expected in November.
London Councils
At present, there is a re-tendering round for ESF in the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham. Otherwise, there are no plans for new rounds until late 2011.
Department for Work & Pensions
Preparation is underway for the Work Programme with Invitations to Tender for the WP Framework now in the public domain. Tendering is expected to begin at the end of 2010 with starts in early 2011. The DWP element of the ESF London Programme will follow.
LDA ESF Co-financing Programme 2011-2013
Adult and Youth programme tendering rounds launched
The LDA has now launched its ESF Adult and Youth programme tendering round. If you are interested in applying for either of these opportunities you must register on CompeteFor via the following link and complete the Pre-qualification Questionnaire relevant to the opportunity you wish to bid for.
Any queries about this tendering opportunity should be emailed to . Answers will then be made available to all potential suppliers on the LDA’s website,
As with previous rounds both programmes are expected to require proposals for large projects, and partnerships and consortiums are the most likely route to funding. In fact it is probable that the projects required will be fewer and larger than previous rounds, with significant amounts of funding, possibly the whole allocation of the 2011-2013 ESF funding. As with previous rounds this will require partnerships and consortiums to have financially robust lead organisations with voluntary sector organisations as delivery partners.
Information from LDA market warming event
Two highly popular events were held earlier this month to inform people about various aspects of the LDA’s work

LVSTC Partnership Portals
LVSTC will be utilizing partnership portals as soon as the details of the rounds are firmed up. We would recommend that the voluntary sector begins talking now to potential partners about project development for both programmes. Previously the portals have proved very effective in aiding partnership development and we hope to have them in place as early as possible to ensure maximum development time for prospective partners.
Below are the programmes in greater detail extracted from the LDA website:
LDA ESF Programme 2011-2013
The LDA ESF Youth and Employability programmes will provide support and activities for Londoners under the priorities of the European Social Fund (ESF) Regional Framework. The programmes aim to increase the rate and quality of economic participation of all Londoners, including disengaged youth, long-term unemployed and people in low skilled and low paid work.
ESF Youth Programme 2011-2013
Priority 1.2: Employment and skills activities targeted at young people not in education, employment or training (NEET)
The London Development Agency (through integrated commissioning with other London ESF co-financing agencies), will focus on re-engaging young Londoners (16-19) who have disengaged with education, employment and training.
Four projects, outlined below will test various methods of re-engagement.
Pan-London NEET Provision
The Pan-London NEET project aims to provide innovative and flexible solutions to tackle the problem of young people Not in Employment, Training or Education (NEET) across London . A driving factor behind this project is to reduce the high rate of churn in the NEET group (those young people who move in and out of engagement). To do this, providers will have to develop a personalised approach to meet the different needs within this cohort.
Training to Work
This employer-led project will provide bespoke training for young people aged 16-19 who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) in order to prepare them for employment within two growth sectors for London . The project will test if this approach can be used as a successful mechanism to support young people who are NEET into sustained employment.
Volunteering into Employment, Education and Training
This project aims to re-engage young people with education, employment and training through volunteering. In addition to re-engagement, this project aims to increase young people’s awareness of the benefits of volunteering, what they can offer a volunteering organisation and how volunteering can contribute to developing their employability skills, thereby improving their ability to compete within the unpredictable labour market.
Opportunities for Vulnerable Young People
This targeted project will support the re-engagement of two specific groups of very vulnerable young people who are Not in Employment, Education or Training in London . The two groups that will be targeted are teenage parents and care leavers, (who are leaving or have just left the local authority care system). These two groups face unique challenges to re-engaging with education, employment and training and require bespoke support to transition successfully to independent living.

Funding model
These four projects will all by funded through an outcome based funding model. Please note that funding for this round of ESF projects is subject to approval.

Project delivery
Black Box Commissioning
The Pan-London NEET Provision project and the Opportunities for Vulnerable Young People will use "black box" commissioning to promote innovative and flexible methods to support these young people to re-engage with education, employment and training.
Elements of black box commissioning:
• Engagement of a young person on the programme
• Aspiration raising
• IAG provision
• Skills development
• Employer engagement
• Brokerage
• Support to young people to sustain outcome
• Support to employers to sustain outcome
The project 'Volunteering into Employmnet, Education and Training' will use a more prescriptive model (i.e. volunteering) and as such, will require that providers use volunteering to re-engage young people who are NEET.
'Training to Work' will also use a specific employer-lead delivery model to promote the training and employment of young people who are NEET in two growth sectors in London .

LDA ESF Adult Employability Programme 2011-12
The LDA's ESF Adult Employability programme aims to provide a cohesive programme of support for adults, which will help move long term workless Londoners into sustained employment as well as support low paid and low skilled workers to achieve career progression.
Priority 1.1 – Adult Employability
The following specifications are expected to be funded under Priority 1.1 – Adult Employability (subject to approval):
ESF Heathrow Employability and Up-Skilling
The Heathrow Employability and Up-skilling programme will deliver an integrated and bespoke employability and up-skilling programme to ensure that London ’s workless population can access sustainable employment opportunities at Heathrow Airport .
The project will support those people who have been out-of-work for more than 12 months to access jobs in a range of occupations including drivers, loaders, ground operations, security, and passenger ground handling. BAA will be closely involved in developing the project specification and supporting its implementation.
ESF Low Carbon Employment
The project aims to develop demand-led solutions that target both unemployed individuals and long term workless clients to access sustained employment within the Low Carbon economy.
The Low Carbon economy is likely to generate significant additional jobs over the next few years and this can provide suitable employment opportunities for low and intermediate skilled Londoners to participate and progress within this growth sector.
ESF London Works
London Works aims to address the high levels of worklessness in London , by providing a package of employability and personalised support to those who have been out of work for more than 12 months.
The project will be commissioned on a sub regional basis and is likely to be delivered in Central, West and North / North East London. The project will deliver sustained employment outcomes by developing innovative and bespoke solutions to meet the range of needs of the target group and tackle barriers to sustained employment.
ESF Jobs Plus
The objective of ‘Jobs Plus’ is to help workless individuals into sustained employment for 12 months, and for approximately one third of those individuals that sustain work to progress in their careers. The LDA currently plans to demonstrate this approach and believes that the inclusion of progression within mainstream welfare to work services is the obvious next step in improving the quality of employment outcomes for individuals and an improved return on investment for the Exchequer.
Jobs Plus will support long term workless (12 months or more and not currently engaged in mainstream provision) into sustained employment and support while in work to progress in their career. This project will be geographically focused in boroughs in South London . Jobs Plus is concerned with addressing challenges facing both individuals and employers through strong engagement, planning and support.
Priority 2.1 – Basic Skills in the Workplace
The following specification is expected to be funded under Priority 2.1 – Basic Skills in the Workplace (subject to approval):
ESF Skills for Work
Skills for Work will deliver an integrated package of skills development and personalised support to low skilled and low paid workers, to achieve a Skills for Life qualification and improve career prospects. The project aims to increase the volumes of Londoners accessing basic skills, particularly numeracy. The project will deliver skills development and career progression outcomes.
The Funding Model
The projects will be funded through an outcome based payment model to achieve:
• Sustained employment measured at 12 months
• Career Progression Outcomes measured at 6 months
Funding status
LDA funding for both programs is not confirmed at this stage and all proposals are subject to approval by HM Treasury.
We anticipate further clarity over the funding position following the Government's Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). The CSR will set out public spending plans for the years 2011-12 to 2014-15 and is expected to be published in October 2010.
Formal approval for LDA funding will be sought from Treasury following the CSR.

If you would like to send out information with our bi-monthly newsletter, Euroscene, thereby reaching a contact list of over 3,000 organisations, then please get in touch with Bill Burke on the numbers below.

LVSTC, Bromley Hall, 43 Gillender Street , London , E14 6RN
Tel: 0845 262 2006 or 020 7538 4309
Fax: 0845 262 2005 or 020 7005 0275

Census jobs

Here is the link with details census jobs. Recruitment will be in stages, Co-ordinators first, then Special enumerators, Collectors etc, you could forward the following link which will have all the details and how to apply. Please encourage local people/your members to apply.

Thank you

Friday 1 October 2010

Conclusions du Forum Multiculturel pour un développement durable

Salutations distinguées de la part de M. Florin Paun, Fondateur du Forum
Multiculturel pour un développement durable et du Think Tank Club de Bucarest

La 7e édition du Forum Multiculturel pour un développement durable organisée le
25 septembre au Palais de la Découverte à Paris a montré l'importance des
cadres et étudiants multiculturels non seulement pour contribuer à la
performance des entreprises et des institutions mais aussi dans la promotion des
valeurs compatibles avec un développement durable dans le monde entier.

Organisé par le Think Tank International Club de Bucarest (CELIDEA) avec le
soutien de la Fondation Renault, cet évènement annuel représente à travers son
réseau de relations avec le monde d'affaires et politique en Europe, un fort levier pour l'image des étudiants et cadres étrangers en Europe ce qui doit etre utilisé pour la valorisation de vos candidatures et profiles multiculturels.

Si en 2004, l'année de naissance du Club de Bucarest et de cet évènement (en
présence de Dominique Strauss Kahn et Cathérine Lalumière) peu d'entreprises et
des institutions étaient convaincues de la valeur des cadres multiculturels,
voila que le Forum en 2010 a montré le soutien que les grandes écoles, les
institutions et les entreprises apportent, à travers leur programmes de
développement international et stratégies en faveur de la diversité, aux enjeux
de reconnaissance des valeurs des étudiants et cadres multiculturels.

Les candidatures des multiculturels peuvent s'appuyer sur les avancés des
travaux du Forum
Multiculturel pour un développement durable sachant que les profiles
multiculturels sont devenus un levier de la croissance et de la performance des

Dans ce cadre valorisant, le Forum offre en exclusivité pour les participants
chaque année, à travers l'accueil du Salon de Recrutement Multiculturel,
l'opportunité d'accéder à des rendez-vous individuels de recrutement suite à la
recommandation du Forum Multiculturel pour un Développement durable. On a
eu l'opportunité d'inscription pour les rendez-vous individuels dans le cadre
du Forum pour bénéficier de ces recommandations et donc des rendez-vous
individuels. 42 inscrits ont été retenus et nous allons les contacter
individuellement pour les informer de la suite de nos recommandations auprès des entreprises choisies mais aussi auprès des autres entreprises qui nous demande notre

En effet, les entreprises qui recoivent des centaines de candidatures, préfèrent
bénéficier de notre recommandation pour envisager de prendre en compte les
candidatures concernant les profiles multiculturels. L'éfficacité des Salons de
recrutement classique est mise en cause aujourd'hui vu l'approche de "vente en
masse des candidatures" ce qui ne valorise pas l'individu avec ses spécificités
qui font sa valeur. Le Forum est organisé en complémentarité avec ces salons de
recrutement classiques, en offrant une stratégies innovante de ciblage et
valorisation de chacune des candidature après avoir organisé les détails pour
une meilleur visibilité auprès des recruteurs. Le thème de l'édition 2011 va
permettre l'intervention des DRH en France et à l'international.

Vous avez la présentation du Forum 2010 en attachement et nous préparons
l'édition spéciale du GUIDE MULTICULTUREL (qui va regrouper chaque année des
partenaires et des acteurs qui soutiennent la valorisation des candidatures
mutliculturels en Europe).

Bien cordialement,
Ingrid Vaileanu Paun
Directrice du Forum Multiculturel pour un développement durable
00 33 685432789
00 33 685432789

Thursday 30 September 2010

Money Transfer & Reward Scheme - 2 Romanians Discussion GroupsThe deadline for booking is Sunday the 3rd of October 2010. Incentive: £40.00 cash

Money Transfer & Reward Scheme - 2 Romanians Discussion Groups

This is an important research aiming to improve the services.

Group 1: Tuesday 5th of October -6 Romanians –UNDER 40 YEARS OLD (18-40)
Group 2: Thursday 7th of October-6 Romanians–OVER 30 YEARS OLD (30+)

Incentive: £40.00 cash for 90 minutes (6.30pm-8.00pm)

The criteria is:
-All respondents to be Romanians
-All Respondents to send money abroad.
-All respondents to send money abroad within the last month/2-3 months ago or 4/6 months ago.
-All respondents must NOT USE MONEYGRAM to send money
-All respondents must be non-rejecters to using Moneygram in the future
-Mix of organisations which the respondent hold a membership or reward scheme with (Supermarket, Airline, Hotel chain, Petrol, Clothing, Home improvement/hardware store, Money transfer service.
-Mix of age groups
-Mix of gender
-All respondents to speak English to a standard that will enable them to participate fully in a group discussion, and that they can read English.

Respondents that work in :
Market Research
Banking/ Financial Services

The deadline for booking is Sunday the 3rd of October 2010.

Thank you,
Ionela Flood

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Metodologia de şcolarizare a cetăţenilor de origine etnică română şi a etnicilor români cu domiciliul stabil în străinătate

Vă informăm că Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului a finalizat metodologia de şcolarizare a cetăţenilor de origine etnică română din Republica Moldova, Republica Albania, Republica Bulgaria, Fosta Republică Iugoslavă a Macedoniei, Republica Serbia, Ucraina şi Republica Ungară precum şi a etnicilor români cu domiciliul stabil în străinătate în învăţământul de stat din România, pentru anul şcolar/ universitar 2010 – 2011 (publicată pe site-ul: /relaţii internaţionale/românii de pretutindeni).

Mai multe informaţii precum şi documente privind:

- Metodologia de şcolarizare pentru anul universitar 2010-2011;
- Calendarul de înscriere;
- Cererea de înscriere la concurs;
- Oferta locurilor de studii – realizată în baza propunerilor instituţiilor de învăţământ superior de stat din România, conform reglementărilor legale în vigoare – în vederea completării adecvate a cererii de înscriere la concurs.

pot fi accessate de pe site-ul Ambasadei:

Cristina-Narcisa Nita
Press Attaché
Embassy of Romania in the UK

Un doctorand roman sprijina o cauza nobila in UK

Unii dintre voi o cunoasteti pe Irina Iordachescu , a efectuat un stagiu la Ambasada Romaniei la Londra, a participat la numeroase evenimente si, anul trecut, la Conferinta studentilor a sustinut o prezentare cu privire la integrarea studentilor romani in Marea Britanie.

In prezent, este doctorand si student afiliat la LSE.

Una dintre activitatile sale extra-curiculare este dedicata luptei impotriva maladiei cancerului pentru care va incerca sa obtina donatii in valoare de £700 si, peste cateva zile, va alerga la un maraton organizat de Royal Park Foundation.

Mai multe informatii despre maraton:

Cei care vor sa o ajute pe Irina la strangerea donatiei de £700 pot accesa site-ul:

Saturday 4 September 2010

Referendumul Republican Constituţional din 5 septembrie 2010 care va avea loc in Republica Moldova.

In attach aveti Lista secţiilor de vot pentru Referendumul Republican Constituţional din 5 septembrie 2010 care va avea loc in Republica Moldova.

Conform Constituţiei (art.75), cele mai importante probleme ale societăţii şi ale statului sînt supuse referendumului, iar hotărîrile adoptate potrivit rezultatelor referendumului republican au putere juridică supremă. La 5 septembrie 2010, pentru prima dată în Republica Moldova se va desfăşura referendumul constituţional, în cadrul căruia alegătorii urmează să se expună asupra proiectului de lege pentru modificarea articolului 78 din Constituţia Republicii Moldova, care propune alegerea directă a şefului statului. Alegătorilor li se propune să răspundă la întrebarea “Sînteţi pentru modificarea Constituţiei care să permită alegerea Preşedintelui Republicii Moldova de către întreg poporul?”, votând pentru una din opţiunile:
Va rog sa promovati lista cu sectiile de votare, astfel incat cetatenii basarabeni sa isi poata exercita dreptul de vot .

Cu aleasa consideratie,

Birou comunicare


Lista secţiilor de vot pentru Referendumul Republican Constituţional din 5 septembrie – România:
• București, secția de votare nr. 335, Aleea Alexandru, 40, sector 1;
• Bucureşti, secția de votare nr. 336 din cadrul Secției Consulare, Bulevardul Eroilor, nr. 8;
• Iași, secția de votare numărul 337, Gavril Musicescu nr.6;
• Galați, secția de votare nr. 365, strada Domnească, 47;
• Timișoara, secția de votare nr. 363, strada Cluj, nr. 12;
• Cluj-Napoca, secția de votare nr. 364, Piața Lucian Blaga 1-3.
Lista secţiilor de vot pentru Referendumul Republican Constituţional din 5 septembrie – Italia:
• Roma (sediul Ambasadei), Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr. 314, str. Montebello, nr.8;
• Roma, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr. 315, str. Giacinto Pullino nr. 86;
• Ancona (Liceul Ştiinţific), Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr. 316, str. Vecchini nr 2;
• Perugia, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 317, str. S. Lucia nr. 2;
• Napoli, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 318, str. Duomo nr. 214;
• Bologna (sediul Consulatului General), Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 319, str. Antonio Canova nr. 30;
• Bologna, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 320, str. Antonio Canova nr. 32;
• Trieste, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 327, str. Cesare Battisti nr. 2;
• Padova, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 321, Sala Polivalente, str. Diego Valeri 17/19;
• Padova (Palazzo della Loggia Amulea), Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr. 322, str. Prato della Valle 97;
• Mestre, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 323, Casa Comunale, str. Palazzo nr. 1;
• Mestre (Casa Comunale), Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 324, str. Palazzo 1;
• Torino, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 325, str. Morandi nr. 10;
• Florenţa, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 326, Comune di Firenze, Piazza della Libertà n. 12, Cubo nr. 1;
• Parma, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 354, Quartiere Molinetto, str. Argonne 4;
• Milano, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 355, str. Ferdinando Gregorovius nr. 15;
• Milano, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 356, str. Ferdinando Gregorovius 15-A;
• Trento, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 357, Sala nr.3 CINFORMI, str. Zambra nr. 11, et.4;
• Verona, Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 358, Comune di Verona, Piazza Arsenale 1;
• Genova (Università degli Studi Genova), Biroul electoral al secţiei de votare nr 359, str. Balbi nr. 5.
Lista secţiilor de vot pentru Referendumul Republican Constituţional din 5 septembrie – Marea Britanie:
• Ambasada Republicii Moldova în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord, 5 Dolphin Square, Edinsor Road, Chiswick, Londra W42ST;
• Or. Northampton, Centrul Cultural de pe lângă Biserica ortodoxă “St. Michael”, Perry Street, NN14HL;
• Incinta hotelului Bollsbridge Inn, 2 Ballsbridge Inn, 146 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4, Co Dublin.
Lista secţiilor de vot pentru Referendumul Republican Constituţional din 5 septembrie – Franţa:
• Paris – sediul Ambasadei (22 rue Berlioz, 75016);
• Toulouse – Hotel Castellane (17, rue Castellane)
• Strasbourg – sediul Reprezentanței permanente a RM (16, Allee Spach, 67000).
Lista secţiilor de vot pentru Referendumul Republican Constituţional din 5 septembrie – Republica Federală Germania:
• Ambasada Republicii Moldova în RFG (Gotlandstrasse 16, 10439 Berlin);
• Consulatul General al Republicii Moldova la Frankfurt pe Main (Adelheidstraße 8, 60433 Frankfurt pe Main);
• Consulatul Onorific al Republicii Moldova la Hamburg (Haldesdorferstraße 46, 22179 Hamburg);
• Consulatul Onorific al Republicii Moldova la München (Spaldingstraße 4, 81739 München).
1 secţie de vot pentru Referendumul Republican Constituţional din 5 septembrie – Belgia: Ambasada Republicii Moldova în Regatul Belgiei, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 57, 1050 Bruxelles.

Saturday 7 August 2010

H & F Buildings Consultation - 1st July to 30th September 2010

There are many developments relating to the current use of Council buildings, including some of those currently accommodating Third Sector groups and organizations. The latest indications are that 9 buildings are being considered for sale, discontinuing the lease of 3 other buildings and exploring alternative use for a further building.

The Council would like you to ‘have your say’ to the proposals as detailed in the Buildings Consultation Document attached. See the following links for more information and to help you understand the process:

Do note that the consultation period is from 1st July 2010 to 30th September 2010. You can give your views by

§ Completing an on-line questionnaire available at

§ E-mail your comments and suggestions to

§ Attend one of the Open Consultation Days on
Thursday 12th August 2010, 10.00am to 18.00pm, The Small Hall, Hammersmith Town Hall, W6
Friday 10th September 2010, 10.00am to 18.00pm, The Small Hall, Hammersmith Town Hall, W6

Sunday 1 August 2010


INNO BREZEANU A REUSIT SA STRANGA DONATII DE PESTE £1200 PENTRU SINISTRATI SI SA INCHEIE CURSA DE O SUTA DE KILOMETRI PE ROLE In Midsommer Crescent, in inima orasului universitar Cambridge era mare forfota duminica, 25 iulie 2010 la orele pranzului. Peste 10,000 de biciclisti se intreceau sa ajunga la linia de sosire a cursei Londra-Cambridge. Printre ei s-au incumetat la aceasta cursa si 15 roller skateri. Inno Brezeanu, webmasterul si unul dintre liderii vechi ai comunitatii romanesti din UK s-a inscris la aceasta cursa pentru a strange donatii de la prieteni, colegi si membrii ai comunitatii Romani in UK pentru sinistratii din Romania. A reusit sa ajunga la linia de sosire la ora 13.15, fiind al patrulea skater care a terminat cursa. Aici l-au asteptat membrii echipei Romani in UK si cativa membrii ai website-ului, veniti la Cambridge pentru a il felicita la linia de Finish.“A fost foarte greu, dar trebuia sa reusesc. In viata deseori ne zbatem pentru lucruri marunte, iar acest proiect prin care reusim sa aducem acea raza de speranta in sufletele inundatilor a meritat toate eforturile. Trebuia sa termin, iar in acele cateva momente grele ale cursei m-am gandit la sinistrati, am incercat sa imi imaginez nevoia uriasa de ajutor pe care trebuie sa o simta familiile ramase pe drumuri. Asa ca am continuat si odata ajuns la linia de Finish am simtit ca am facut ceva bun pentru romani si Romania.”Prin campania de donatii inceputa joi dupa-amiaza s-au strans pana in prezent peste £1200. Donatiile pot fi facute in continuare pana vineri, 30 iulie 2010 la .Cursa lui Inno face parte din campania “ Daruieste sinistratilor si adu-le o raza de speranta” care se desfasoara la Londra pana la data de 30 iulie a.c si este organizata de liderii si ai publicatiei online Roman in UK si de conducerea restaurantului romanesc londonez The Britannia. Aceasta campanie isi propune strangerea de ajutoare si donatii banesti pentru sustinerea victimelor inundatiilor recente din Romania.!/event.php?eid=137264892975139&ref=mf

Sunday 25 July 2010

"O SUTA DE KILOMETRI PE ROLE - pentru sinistratii din Romania"


In urma cu doua saptamani liderii website-ului comunitatii romanesti din UK,, ai publicatiei online Roman in UK si conducerea restaurantului romanesc londonez The Britannia au demarat Campania “Daruieste sinistratilor si adu-le o raza de speranta”. Aceasta campanie isi propune strangerea de ajutoare si donatii banesti pentru sustinerea victimelor inundatiilor recente din Romania.
Acestui proiect i se alatura personal la Londra Inno Brezeanu, webmaster al care duminica, 25 iulie 2010 va parcurge pe role o distanta de 100 de kilometrii, Londra- Cambridge in cadrul unei curse organizate de organizatia filantropica "Breakthrough Breast Cancer". In cadrul acestei curse peste 10,000 de biciclisti si 15 roler skateri vor parcurge distanta, fiind motivati de strangerea de fonduri sub forma de donatii din partea prietenilor, cunostintelor si colegilor de servici. Fiecare participant va dona suma stransa unei cauze nobile.

Inno Brezeanu, webmaster al va alerga cei o suta de kilometrii pe role pentru a strange donatii pentru sinistratii din Nord-Estul Romaniei. Vazand disperarea care a cuprins Romania in urma inundatiilor si victimele ramase pe drumuri, conducerea si a publicatiei online Roman in UK a hotarat sa se implice si sa incerce sa stranga fonduri si ajutoare pentru sinistrati, deoarece cu putin de la fiecare se poate, si mai ales pentru ca motto-ul organizatorilor a fost mereu: “ Impreuna ne este mai usor”. Donatiile se pot face prin website-ul si urmeaza sa fie transferate la sfarsitul campaniei ( 2 august 2010) in contul organizatiei caritabile Relief Fund for Romania Limited, care cu multa bunavointa va realiza transferul sumei stranse catre Patriarhia Romana, in contul de donatii pentru sinistrati. Patriarhia Romana urmeaza sa distribuie apot fondurile primite catre zonele afectate de inundatii din Bucovina si Moldova.

Sustine si tu aceasta cauza acum prin donatia ta. Donatiile pot fi facute prin plata de pe card sau paypal la urmatoarele adrese:!/event.php?eid=137264892975139&ref=mf

Thursday 22 July 2010

Întâlnirea Ambasadorului României cu un grup de ciclişti englezi care vor pedala până în România în scop caritabil

Ambasada Românie-Londra/ Ambasadorul României în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii şi al Irlandei de Nord, Dr. Ion Jinga, a avut o întâlnire cu membri ai unui grup de ciclişti care, în perioada 1-18 august 2010, vor pedala de la Londra la Timişoara, în scop caritabil.

Turul ciclist Londra-România „Din grijă pentru copii” este un program iniţiat de un tânăr român, Bogdan Cristea, întreprinzător privat autorizat la compania Amway din Marea Britanie. Acesta, împreună cu colegii săi englezi de la Amway, vor parcurge peste 1600 km, trecând prin 9 ţări şi 5 capitale europene, cu scopul de a strânge fonduri necesare reabilitării Centrului de terapie prin artă „Doina Pocioianu” din Timişoara.

Grupului de ciclişti care va porni la 1 august 2010 din Londra i se vor alătura pe parcursul traseului, pe porţiuni scurte sau până la destinaţia finală, ciclişti din statele europene traversate. Cicliştii speră să strângă 1 euro/1 liră de la fiecare IPA Amway din fiecare ţară pe care o vor traversa: Marea Britanie, Franţa, Belgia, Olanda, Germania, Austria, Slovacia, Ungaria şi România, obiectivul fiind strângerea a 60.000 de lire sterline.

Pentru mai multe informaţii despre această campanie vizitaţi: sau

Commissioner and Committee for European economic governance

The EESC plenary and its guest, Commissioner in charge of Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier, advocated tight European economic governance to fend off the effects of the economic crisis and to ensure the bloc's competitiveness. The EESC called for a levy on financial transactions, a tax the Commission discusses.
"We need to move towards a coordination of macroeconomic policies whilst several European countries are taking austerity measures," EESC President Mario Sepi said. "One common course is to tax international financial transactions. Economy has to be ethical and there is a hierarchy in terms of real economy and finance," he said.
Talking of the Commission's plans to tackle the crisis and put the European economies on a growth course, Commissioner Barnier highlighted a controversy that, if left unchanged, might reduce Europe to a secondary role among the players of the world market. "We have five hundred million consumers, 17 countries with the same currency, yet our economic, financial and budgetary policies remain juxtaposed."
"We need European governance to regain the confidence of the markets while surveillance and regulation tools must be in place to ensure that the common discipline in the fields of sovereign debt and public deficit is respected," he said. "The current financial crisis is a supervisory crisis. Not a single financial service can remain unsupervised."
He called for a more efficient internal market, to be addressed in the Commission's Single Market Act proposal in October, and a European patent code to boost innovation.
In reaction to the Commissioner's words, Mr Georgios Dassis (Employees' Group president, Greece ) warned against Commission proposals that would end up hitting the poorest, while Mr Henri Malosse (Employers' Group president, France) emphasized the importance of proper explanations to citizens, a task where the EESC is instrumental. Ms Reine Claude Mader-Saussaye (Various Interests Group, France) pressed for measures that do not cut off credit resources from enterprises and citizens.
Underlining President Sepi's words, the EESC adopted an opinion in favour of a financial transaction tax (FTT), levied on the grounds that it would curb short-term speculation and force banks to contribute to the public costs of the financial crisis. Echoing Mr Barnier's stance, rapporteur Mr Lars Nyberg (Employees' Group, Sweden ) added, "The financial sector should serve the real economy and not vice versa. Alternative taxes would hit normal people a lot harder. An FTT is the most progressive tax we could imagine."

The opinion may be accessed here:

Thursday 15 July 2010

Ajutor pentru sinistrati

Dragi romani,

"Parohiile ortodoxe romanesti din Scotia Intampinarea Domnului (Glasgow) si Sf Parinti Ioachim si Ana (Aberdeen) se alatura efortului facut de alte parohii din Marea Britanie si fac apel la fratiile voastre sa ajutati dupa puteri sinistratii din regiunile puternic afectate de inundatiile din Romania. Donatii in haine, alimente neperisabile sau bani sunt asteptate la bisericile parohiilor toata saptamana aceasta 12-18 iulie 2010 urmand ca saptamana urmatoare un camion sa fie inchiriat pentru a le transporta in Romania. De asemenea, va rugam sa ajutati daca puteti cu banii la costul inchirierii camionului (1500 lire). Pentru mai multe detalii luati legatura cu Parintele Marcel (Glasgow) la 07817762075 sau Parintele Gabriel (Aberdeen) la 07975949363. Multumim!"

FOOD 4U 2010 - New partner in fight for healthy eating

The European Economic and Social Committee has signed an institutional partnership with the Italian Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies for the FOOD 4U campaign. With this shared patronage, the EESC wants to emphasize the importance of healthy food as well as the negative effects of unhealthy eating habits. Over 30,000 schools (20% more than last year) took part in the competition to produce a short film on the value of healthy eating habits.

Obesity is a priority issue for the European Union due to the amount of diseases and disorders associated with bad eating habits. According to the International Obesity Taskforce, the number of overweight children has soared to approximately 22 million, of whom 5 million are obese.

The objective of the FOOD 4U campaign and the film competition is to inspire in-depth discussions on a subject that is often ignored. Education is not enough: youngsters need to get involved and be given the chance to develop vital tools to decode advertising messages.

The EESC supports the video competition to raise awareness of healthy diets. Out of hundreds of entrants, 33 finalists from 16 European countries were selected. Fast food was identified by several participants as being the antithesis of healthy nutrition with a balanced diet seen as the solution to bad eating habits.

The young European filmmakers will go to Jesolo , Italy from 18 to 21 September for the FOOD 4U Video Festival 2010 where they will have the opportunity to exchange views and learn more about healthy food. The FOOD 4U Award 2010 will be presented to the winning entry at the closing event on 23 September at the Auditorium della Conciliazione in Rome. Ms Madi Sharma, EESC Member and rapporteur of an EESC opinion on obesity in Europe will be part of the international jury.

The FOOD 4U initiative, now in its sixth year, confirms its Europe-wide importance as an effective tool in nutrition education. Due to increased demand, from 2011, all European countries will be able to participate.

For more information, please contact:

Sylvia Binger, Tel.: +32 (0) 2 546 8305 email:
Read more about the campaign:

Food 4 U Press Office
Dafne Maria Giovenco

La TVRi părerea ta contează!

TVR internaţional este şi în acest an aproape de telespectatorii săi, românii din toate colţurile lumii.

Începând de miercuri, 14 iulie 2010, TVRi lansează un chestionar care poate fi completat online la adresa în care telespectatorii pot spune care sunt dorinţele şi aşteptările lor de la postul Televiziunii Române. Chestionarul va fi disponibil pe site-ul TVR până în data de 1 septembrie 2010.

După primirea şi analizarea tuturor răspunsurilor, TVR internaţional va face toate demersurile necesare pentru a ţine cont de părerile dumneavoastră în construirea grilei de programe, după cum explică directorul canalului, Beatrice Comănescu. „Acest demers este foarte important pentru noi. Vrem să fim aproape de telespectatorii noştri şi să răspundem în permanenţă nevoilor lor specifice, oferindu-le o gamă largă de programe. Aşa că, îi aşteptăm pe toţi cei doritori să ne răspundă şi să ne transmită punctele lor de vedere!”

Completează chestionarul la şi vei vedea că TVR internaţional ţine cont de părerea ta!

EU and ACP non-state actors insist on food security as a human right

EU and ACP non-state actors insist on food security as a human right

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and their partners from across Africa met at the 11th Regional Seminar of ACP-EU Economic and Social Interest Groups in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They addressed the revision of the Cotonou Agreement and called for greater involvement of non-state actors in its implementation. They broached the challenging issues of Economic Partnership Agreements for the East African Community (EAC) and Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) regions, sustainable food secu rity and the EU-Africa Strategy.

The Cotonou Agreement still lacks both effective dissemination and timely information and consultation with non-state actors, namely when it comes to its five-year revision, said the delegates. The future revision of Cotonou should take into account the strengthening of social protection schemes in ACP countries, as well as better fiscal governance.

Food secu rity has to be considered a human right. To achieve this, food secu rity clauses have to be introduced in the EU-Africa trade agreements and the agricultural sector needs to be placed at the centre of national and international development policies. Local and regional markets need to be supported, and farmers' organisations should be reinforced and consulted in decision-making policies. The EU-ACP non-state actors supported the conclusion of the Economic Partnership Agreements under the condition that they include provisions aimed at the development of the beneficiary regions, namely the inclusion of economic, social and environmental provisions, timely information and involvement of non-state actors, promotion of infrastructures, modernisation of the agricultural sector and good economic governance.

In the presence of Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba, Commissioner for Economic Affairs for the African Union Commission and Mr Muna, President of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) of the African Union (AU), the delegates called for the AU and the European Union to take urgent action to inform and to effectively involve non-state actors in the EU-Africa Joint Strategy. Grabbing the occasion, Members of the EESC and ECOSOCC of the AU officially launched their cooperation and joint involvement in the implementation of the Strategy.

Mr Jahier, President of the ACP-EU Follow-up Committee of the EESC, welcomed this joint initiative and stressed that “the EU-Africa Strategy was supposed to be ‘people centred’, however, this has not yet been achieved.”

The recommendations of the participants on all of the above topics can be accessed on the webpage of the EESC

Background note:
Under the auspices of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, the EESC organises meetings with ACP-EU Economic and Social Interest Groups. This role has been confirmed by the Cotonou Agreement, which mandates the EESC to organise consultation sessions and meetings of ACP-EU economic and social interest groups.

Kind regards,
Isolde Juchem
Press Service, EESC

Friday 25 June 2010

Déclaration du Président Sepi - Stratégie Europe 2020: "

16 juin 2010

Déclaration du Président Sepi - Stratégie Europe 2020:
"Il faut adopter un indicateur commun pour mesurer l'objectif de réduction de la pauvreté"

Le Président Sepi, avec le Groupe d'étude du CESE sur l'Année européenne de lutte contre la pauvreté et au lendemain de la Conférence Biennale de Florence sur l'"Education pour lutter contre la pauvreté", demande au Conseil européen d'adopter un indicateur de revenu commun aux Etats membres, sur lequel doit s'appuyer l'objectif de réduire de 20 millions le nombre de personnes menacées par la pauvreté.

Au moment où l'Union européenne s'engage dans une stratégie de long terme, je souhaite, en tant que Président du CESE, transmettre aux institutions européennes un message de soutien et de fermeté vis-à-vis des objectifs de réduction de la pauvreté. En particulier, je demande que le Conseil européen, lors de sa réunion du 17 juin 2010, veille à prendre en compte les recommandations suivantes pour la fixation des objectifs à atteindre pour la réduction de la pauvreté à l'horizon 2020:

Pour accompagner l'objectif de réduire de 20 millions le nombre de personnes menacées par la pauvreté, il est nécessaire d'établir expressément un indicateur de revenu commun à tous les Etats membres, comme indicateur principal. Ceci n'exclut pas que cet indicateur de base soit accompagné d'indicateurs thématiques ciblés, reflétant la multiplicité des problématiques liées à la pauvreté.

Il est nécessaire de continuer à mettre l’accent sur la résolution des inégalités et la lutte contre les discriminations dans la Stratégie Europe 2020, en mettant en évidence ces problèmes dans tous les domaines politiques, conformément aux termes du traité de Lisbonne.

Des mesures doivent être prises pour renforcer et adapter la "méthode ouverte de coordination" en matière de protection et d’inclusion sociales, avec un accent accru sur le rôle des plans d’actions nationaux et la fixation d'objectifs mesurables.

À la lumière de la crise actuelle, il est primordial de maintenir les politiques de protection et d’inclusion existantes. Considérant que beaucoup d'Etats Membres de l'UE doivent à présent intégrer de fortes contraintes budgétaires, le CESE recommande d'évaluer l'impact des mesures de restriction budgétaires pour garantir que les actions menées n'augmentent pas le nombre de citoyens en situation de pauvreté.

Il est nécessaire de soutenir l’établissement d’une Plateforme européenne contre la pauvreté pour échanger des bonnes pratiques, mais aussi pour mesurer l’impact des politiques et des mesures mises en place.

Il est essentiel de veiller à ce que les mesures de relance économique soient conduites dès à présent dans l'optique des objectifs stratégiques adoptés avec la Stratégie Europe 2020.

Le CESE réaffirme son soutien aux institutions de l'UE pour poursuivre concrètement la lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale, en particulier dans le cadre de la Plateforme européenne contre la pauvreté.

Mario Sepi