Sunday 25 July 2010

"O SUTA DE KILOMETRI PE ROLE - pentru sinistratii din Romania"


In urma cu doua saptamani liderii website-ului comunitatii romanesti din UK,, ai publicatiei online Roman in UK si conducerea restaurantului romanesc londonez The Britannia au demarat Campania “Daruieste sinistratilor si adu-le o raza de speranta”. Aceasta campanie isi propune strangerea de ajutoare si donatii banesti pentru sustinerea victimelor inundatiilor recente din Romania.
Acestui proiect i se alatura personal la Londra Inno Brezeanu, webmaster al care duminica, 25 iulie 2010 va parcurge pe role o distanta de 100 de kilometrii, Londra- Cambridge in cadrul unei curse organizate de organizatia filantropica "Breakthrough Breast Cancer". In cadrul acestei curse peste 10,000 de biciclisti si 15 roler skateri vor parcurge distanta, fiind motivati de strangerea de fonduri sub forma de donatii din partea prietenilor, cunostintelor si colegilor de servici. Fiecare participant va dona suma stransa unei cauze nobile.

Inno Brezeanu, webmaster al va alerga cei o suta de kilometrii pe role pentru a strange donatii pentru sinistratii din Nord-Estul Romaniei. Vazand disperarea care a cuprins Romania in urma inundatiilor si victimele ramase pe drumuri, conducerea si a publicatiei online Roman in UK a hotarat sa se implice si sa incerce sa stranga fonduri si ajutoare pentru sinistrati, deoarece cu putin de la fiecare se poate, si mai ales pentru ca motto-ul organizatorilor a fost mereu: “ Impreuna ne este mai usor”. Donatiile se pot face prin website-ul si urmeaza sa fie transferate la sfarsitul campaniei ( 2 august 2010) in contul organizatiei caritabile Relief Fund for Romania Limited, care cu multa bunavointa va realiza transferul sumei stranse catre Patriarhia Romana, in contul de donatii pentru sinistrati. Patriarhia Romana urmeaza sa distribuie apot fondurile primite catre zonele afectate de inundatii din Bucovina si Moldova.

Sustine si tu aceasta cauza acum prin donatia ta. Donatiile pot fi facute prin plata de pe card sau paypal la urmatoarele adrese:!/event.php?eid=137264892975139&ref=mf

Thursday 22 July 2010

Întâlnirea Ambasadorului României cu un grup de ciclişti englezi care vor pedala până în România în scop caritabil

Ambasada Românie-Londra/ Ambasadorul României în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii şi al Irlandei de Nord, Dr. Ion Jinga, a avut o întâlnire cu membri ai unui grup de ciclişti care, în perioada 1-18 august 2010, vor pedala de la Londra la Timişoara, în scop caritabil.

Turul ciclist Londra-România „Din grijă pentru copii” este un program iniţiat de un tânăr român, Bogdan Cristea, întreprinzător privat autorizat la compania Amway din Marea Britanie. Acesta, împreună cu colegii săi englezi de la Amway, vor parcurge peste 1600 km, trecând prin 9 ţări şi 5 capitale europene, cu scopul de a strânge fonduri necesare reabilitării Centrului de terapie prin artă „Doina Pocioianu” din Timişoara.

Grupului de ciclişti care va porni la 1 august 2010 din Londra i se vor alătura pe parcursul traseului, pe porţiuni scurte sau până la destinaţia finală, ciclişti din statele europene traversate. Cicliştii speră să strângă 1 euro/1 liră de la fiecare IPA Amway din fiecare ţară pe care o vor traversa: Marea Britanie, Franţa, Belgia, Olanda, Germania, Austria, Slovacia, Ungaria şi România, obiectivul fiind strângerea a 60.000 de lire sterline.

Pentru mai multe informaţii despre această campanie vizitaţi: sau

Commissioner and Committee for European economic governance

The EESC plenary and its guest, Commissioner in charge of Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier, advocated tight European economic governance to fend off the effects of the economic crisis and to ensure the bloc's competitiveness. The EESC called for a levy on financial transactions, a tax the Commission discusses.
"We need to move towards a coordination of macroeconomic policies whilst several European countries are taking austerity measures," EESC President Mario Sepi said. "One common course is to tax international financial transactions. Economy has to be ethical and there is a hierarchy in terms of real economy and finance," he said.
Talking of the Commission's plans to tackle the crisis and put the European economies on a growth course, Commissioner Barnier highlighted a controversy that, if left unchanged, might reduce Europe to a secondary role among the players of the world market. "We have five hundred million consumers, 17 countries with the same currency, yet our economic, financial and budgetary policies remain juxtaposed."
"We need European governance to regain the confidence of the markets while surveillance and regulation tools must be in place to ensure that the common discipline in the fields of sovereign debt and public deficit is respected," he said. "The current financial crisis is a supervisory crisis. Not a single financial service can remain unsupervised."
He called for a more efficient internal market, to be addressed in the Commission's Single Market Act proposal in October, and a European patent code to boost innovation.
In reaction to the Commissioner's words, Mr Georgios Dassis (Employees' Group president, Greece ) warned against Commission proposals that would end up hitting the poorest, while Mr Henri Malosse (Employers' Group president, France) emphasized the importance of proper explanations to citizens, a task where the EESC is instrumental. Ms Reine Claude Mader-Saussaye (Various Interests Group, France) pressed for measures that do not cut off credit resources from enterprises and citizens.
Underlining President Sepi's words, the EESC adopted an opinion in favour of a financial transaction tax (FTT), levied on the grounds that it would curb short-term speculation and force banks to contribute to the public costs of the financial crisis. Echoing Mr Barnier's stance, rapporteur Mr Lars Nyberg (Employees' Group, Sweden ) added, "The financial sector should serve the real economy and not vice versa. Alternative taxes would hit normal people a lot harder. An FTT is the most progressive tax we could imagine."

The opinion may be accessed here:

Thursday 15 July 2010

Ajutor pentru sinistrati

Dragi romani,

"Parohiile ortodoxe romanesti din Scotia Intampinarea Domnului (Glasgow) si Sf Parinti Ioachim si Ana (Aberdeen) se alatura efortului facut de alte parohii din Marea Britanie si fac apel la fratiile voastre sa ajutati dupa puteri sinistratii din regiunile puternic afectate de inundatiile din Romania. Donatii in haine, alimente neperisabile sau bani sunt asteptate la bisericile parohiilor toata saptamana aceasta 12-18 iulie 2010 urmand ca saptamana urmatoare un camion sa fie inchiriat pentru a le transporta in Romania. De asemenea, va rugam sa ajutati daca puteti cu banii la costul inchirierii camionului (1500 lire). Pentru mai multe detalii luati legatura cu Parintele Marcel (Glasgow) la 07817762075 sau Parintele Gabriel (Aberdeen) la 07975949363. Multumim!"

FOOD 4U 2010 - New partner in fight for healthy eating

The European Economic and Social Committee has signed an institutional partnership with the Italian Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies for the FOOD 4U campaign. With this shared patronage, the EESC wants to emphasize the importance of healthy food as well as the negative effects of unhealthy eating habits. Over 30,000 schools (20% more than last year) took part in the competition to produce a short film on the value of healthy eating habits.

Obesity is a priority issue for the European Union due to the amount of diseases and disorders associated with bad eating habits. According to the International Obesity Taskforce, the number of overweight children has soared to approximately 22 million, of whom 5 million are obese.

The objective of the FOOD 4U campaign and the film competition is to inspire in-depth discussions on a subject that is often ignored. Education is not enough: youngsters need to get involved and be given the chance to develop vital tools to decode advertising messages.

The EESC supports the video competition to raise awareness of healthy diets. Out of hundreds of entrants, 33 finalists from 16 European countries were selected. Fast food was identified by several participants as being the antithesis of healthy nutrition with a balanced diet seen as the solution to bad eating habits.

The young European filmmakers will go to Jesolo , Italy from 18 to 21 September for the FOOD 4U Video Festival 2010 where they will have the opportunity to exchange views and learn more about healthy food. The FOOD 4U Award 2010 will be presented to the winning entry at the closing event on 23 September at the Auditorium della Conciliazione in Rome. Ms Madi Sharma, EESC Member and rapporteur of an EESC opinion on obesity in Europe will be part of the international jury.

The FOOD 4U initiative, now in its sixth year, confirms its Europe-wide importance as an effective tool in nutrition education. Due to increased demand, from 2011, all European countries will be able to participate.

For more information, please contact:

Sylvia Binger, Tel.: +32 (0) 2 546 8305 email:
Read more about the campaign:

Food 4 U Press Office
Dafne Maria Giovenco

La TVRi părerea ta contează!

TVR internaţional este şi în acest an aproape de telespectatorii săi, românii din toate colţurile lumii.

Începând de miercuri, 14 iulie 2010, TVRi lansează un chestionar care poate fi completat online la adresa în care telespectatorii pot spune care sunt dorinţele şi aşteptările lor de la postul Televiziunii Române. Chestionarul va fi disponibil pe site-ul TVR până în data de 1 septembrie 2010.

După primirea şi analizarea tuturor răspunsurilor, TVR internaţional va face toate demersurile necesare pentru a ţine cont de părerile dumneavoastră în construirea grilei de programe, după cum explică directorul canalului, Beatrice Comănescu. „Acest demers este foarte important pentru noi. Vrem să fim aproape de telespectatorii noştri şi să răspundem în permanenţă nevoilor lor specifice, oferindu-le o gamă largă de programe. Aşa că, îi aşteptăm pe toţi cei doritori să ne răspundă şi să ne transmită punctele lor de vedere!”

Completează chestionarul la şi vei vedea că TVR internaţional ţine cont de părerea ta!

EU and ACP non-state actors insist on food security as a human right

EU and ACP non-state actors insist on food security as a human right

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and their partners from across Africa met at the 11th Regional Seminar of ACP-EU Economic and Social Interest Groups in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They addressed the revision of the Cotonou Agreement and called for greater involvement of non-state actors in its implementation. They broached the challenging issues of Economic Partnership Agreements for the East African Community (EAC) and Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) regions, sustainable food secu rity and the EU-Africa Strategy.

The Cotonou Agreement still lacks both effective dissemination and timely information and consultation with non-state actors, namely when it comes to its five-year revision, said the delegates. The future revision of Cotonou should take into account the strengthening of social protection schemes in ACP countries, as well as better fiscal governance.

Food secu rity has to be considered a human right. To achieve this, food secu rity clauses have to be introduced in the EU-Africa trade agreements and the agricultural sector needs to be placed at the centre of national and international development policies. Local and regional markets need to be supported, and farmers' organisations should be reinforced and consulted in decision-making policies. The EU-ACP non-state actors supported the conclusion of the Economic Partnership Agreements under the condition that they include provisions aimed at the development of the beneficiary regions, namely the inclusion of economic, social and environmental provisions, timely information and involvement of non-state actors, promotion of infrastructures, modernisation of the agricultural sector and good economic governance.

In the presence of Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba, Commissioner for Economic Affairs for the African Union Commission and Mr Muna, President of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) of the African Union (AU), the delegates called for the AU and the European Union to take urgent action to inform and to effectively involve non-state actors in the EU-Africa Joint Strategy. Grabbing the occasion, Members of the EESC and ECOSOCC of the AU officially launched their cooperation and joint involvement in the implementation of the Strategy.

Mr Jahier, President of the ACP-EU Follow-up Committee of the EESC, welcomed this joint initiative and stressed that “the EU-Africa Strategy was supposed to be ‘people centred’, however, this has not yet been achieved.”

The recommendations of the participants on all of the above topics can be accessed on the webpage of the EESC

Background note:
Under the auspices of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, the EESC organises meetings with ACP-EU Economic and Social Interest Groups. This role has been confirmed by the Cotonou Agreement, which mandates the EESC to organise consultation sessions and meetings of ACP-EU economic and social interest groups.

Kind regards,
Isolde Juchem
Press Service, EESC