Tuesday 22 March 2011

2011 Census: 27 March 2011

Dear VSN Members,

The 2011 Census Day is fast approaching and we need you assistance to ensure maximum completion and return rate in Hammersmith & Fulham. As you know, it’s in the interest of all who live and work in the Borough, that we do get the appropriate level of funding from the Government to meet local needs, so your individual and collective support is crucial at this time in spreading information about the 2011 Census. We need to work together to raise the response rate well above what was achieved in 2001.

CaVSA is a distribution point for 2011 Census information. Do come and collect copies of the following for distribution within your organization and to those you come in contact with:

v Census Information and Advice Leaflet

v Campaign Posters

v H & F Census Helpdesk Map

To collect any of the above, do pop by CaVSA between 10.00-5.00 Monday-Friday or phone 020 8748 6345.

Additionally, for a better understanding of the whole 2011 Census process, it would be really helpful if you could promote the National Census website at www.census.gov.uk and the LBHF Census webpage at www.lbhf.gov.uk/2011census

Comunicat de Presa Departamentul pentru Romanii de Pretutindeni


Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni lansează programul „Curs de Limba Română”, cu scopul de a promova studiul limbii române în comunităţile româneşti de peste hotare.

Proiectul prezintă un caracter inedit, numărându-se printre puţinele resurse electronice disponibile care permit accesarea şi parcurgerea gratuită a unor module de studiu a limbii române.

Cursul se adresează românilor aflaţi în afara graniţelor care vorbesc limba română, însă nu au studiat într-o instituţie de învăţământ cu predare în limba română, precum şi celor care doresc să dobândească şi să îşi perfecţioneze cunoştinţele gramaticale şi de lexic.

Portalul vizează stimularea capacităţii de înţelegere, de dialog şi de asimilare a unei pronunţii corecte în limba română, fiind structurat în 3 module şi 30 de lecţii, formulate în funcţie de gradul de dificultate abordat. Cursul nu necesită cunoştinţe avansate de folosire a computerului, iar exerciţiile şi textele sunt însoţite de materiale audio şi ilustraţii care facilitează parcurgerea lor.

Acest portal poate reprezenta un instrument util atât pentru studiul individual, cât şi în cadrul orelor de limba şi literatura română.

Accesarea lecţiilor şi a modulelor este gratuită şi se poate face direct de pe pagina de index a Departamentului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni sau introducând adresa http://www.dprp.gov.ro/elearning/.

Invităm presa de limba română şi mediul asociativ românesc din întreaga lume să susţină mediatizarea acestui portal ce are drept scop promovarea limbii române peste hotare.

Cursul de Limba Română a fost realizat cu sprijinul DRP, în cadrul unui proiect propus de Liga pentru Utilitate Publică.

Improving family policy across Member States: Hearing discusses problem of ageing population

The EESC has conducted a hearing on 'The role of family policy in demographic change: Sharing best practice among Member States'. Held on March 21, this meeting consulted a range of perspectives from a number of stakeholders on family matters, with a view to improving and sharing practices between Member States. The hearing was organised at the request of the Hungarian Presidency, to target the problem of how to give tangible recognition to the substantial contribution that families make to society.

In his opening address, Staffan Nilsson, EESC President said: "Europe must set an example in matters of intergenerational equity and solidarity and the problem of ageing population is both a challenge and an opportunity for Europe".

The hearing was chaired by Luca Jahier, President of the EESC Various Interests' Group and included presentations from Miklós Soltész, Hungarian Minister of State for Social, Family and Youth Affairs and Anna Záborská, Chair of the Intergroup on Family, Protection of Childhood and Solidarity between the Generations. There were also contributions from experts, contrasting the experience of different Member States.

According to the EESC, the social and economic benefits of the family should be appreciated. Insufficient support for families could result in a substantial increase in costs, especially in terms of welfare services.

Demographic challenges need to be quickly tackled by providing incentives to work and viewing older people as an asset rather than a burden. The Committee is also committed to looking ahead and is already working with the future Polish presidency on demography and the labour market. Furthermore, it intends to support the idea of proclaiming 2014 as a European Year for families.

The Hungarian Presidency took the chance of this hearing to launch at EU level its thematic week "Europe for families, Families for Europe" which will be organised next week in Budapest and which will be concluded by an Informal Council of Ministers for family, to which the Committee will present the results of the hearing and its own contribution.

More information, contact:

For more information please contact:

Barbara Gessler, EESC Press Unit,

Tel.:+32 2 546 8066;
