Thursday, 12 March 2009

European Election 4 june 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Julie Langevin and I work for the European Movement UK in London. We are currently working on a campaign aimed at encouraging European – but non-British – citizens living in this country to register and participate in the EU parliamentary elections at the beginning of June. In that context, we are contacting the embassies, associations and medias of the different countries in order to inform the European voters about these procedures.

We have prepared a document explaining the main steps of the procedure to register that we would like to circulate through your community in London and the UK.

We would be very grateful if we could send out poster for you to display or if you could add a link to it on your website.
Do please find attached our poster.

Thank you for your help and we look forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes

Julie Langevin
Intern at European Movement



The next elections of the European Parliament will be on 4 June 2009. If you want a European Union that meets your needs, make sure you cast your vote in the next European elections! Every month the European Movement will be explaining why it is important for your own daily life and for Britain as a whole to cast your vote in the next elections...

The main rule of the European elections is that each single European citizen has the right to participate in the elections wherever he or she lives. Thus, all the EU citizens living in the UK can register with their local electoral office BEFORE 19TH MAY 2009.

Registering with your local electoral office enables you to vote in the UK in the upcoming European elections and can be done easily and quickly. All you need to do is:

1. Fill the registration form

2. Send it your local electoral office

But, when you register to vote in the UK, you can no longer vote in your home country. If you wish to vote in your home country, simply request to be removed from Electoral register BEFORE 19TH MAY 2009.

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