Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Help for Simion Ciurdar

Dear sir/madam

I am polish 30 years old woman who is married to romanian citizen we live from 6 years in United Kingdom and we are married for 3 years.

On 09.02.2009 died friend of our housemate, the reason was cloth in blood witch was running in his system and finely stock in lungs and suffocate to death Simion.
We didn't know personal Simion but unfortunately we were the one who brake the tragic news to wife who live back in Romania near to Arad in village with their 9 years old son.
We are full of pain for family and understanding of this tragedy but the reason that i write to you is that we found our self in position we would never expectedto be and please keep going reading to find out why.
Simion's Ciurdar family is poor so we straight away were looking for the way to help to transport the body to Romania because in other way body will be berried in England.
We found out that transpotation will cost 2600 pounds and this is a big amout of money for us what about for Simion's wife living in village in Romania?! So we called to romanian embassy they were polite and nice and full of promisies whitch ended with big nothing.
We still feel is not right but because there is no time we started to rise the money by ourself from our friends but its still not the amout witch can cover transpotations coasts.
Than we got an idea that the most understanding and supportive will be : CHURCH-
apparently there are 2 romanian churches in London and other orthodox greek churches.
WE WERE IN SHOCK with respond of priest, who told us that he" don't want to hear about that kind of subject" " people dont want to give money for somebody who died" and in general he didnt want to listen even to us, and all we asked was to announce in the end of mass that there will be a box with picture of a man who died and who want to donate the money for his family is very welcome......WE DIDN'T GET ANY HELP FROM ROMANIAN CHURCH second romanian church didnt respond on calls and even on e mails, and now we thinking: if we can give money for church for christening, weddings, funerals, why church will not give us helping hand to give support to poor woman who is left by her own with small child in romania in fear that she cannot affort to bring her husband body and burried him in peace? If church dont want to help us who will ? How come head of church is turning his back to us? We dont have too much money but still we want to help and we will do everything to rise money for this family. Please please help us to inform more people who can help because we runned out from ideas what to do next.

If you want to check information about the dead peson hear are his details

Simion Ciurdar died on 09.02.2009 in middlesex hospital park royal in LOndon to confirm you can also contact romanian ebassy and consulat.

thank you for any help.

Marta Anastasescu.
To contact us you can call on number :07794601210


DRAMA ROMANEASCA IN UK A murit un roman la Londra, iar sotia nu are bani sa-l duca in tara Simion Ciurdar, un roman in varsta de 36 de ani, de fel din localitatea Siclau, de langa Arad , a decedat la Londra in data de 9 februarie 2009. Barbatul era singur in Anglia si lucra ca si electrician. In data de 2 februarie 2009 a mers la spitalul Middlesex Hospital din Park Royal, Londra, deoarece nu se simtea bine, acuzand o stare de oboseala continua. Ajuns acolo a fost internat, doctorii descoperind ca are un cheag de sange la plamani. Situatia lui Simion Ciurdar s-a imbunatatit dupa cateva zile, de aceea mare a fost socul cand un prieten care locuia in aceeasi casa cu el a fost anuntat luni dimineata sa se prezinte de urgenta la spital deoarece starea prietenului sau se agravase. Cand acesta a ajuns la spital, Simion Ciurdar deja decedase. Acum, corpul neinsufletit al celui care a fost Simion Ciurdar se afla la morga. Din nefericire, drama familiei Ciurdar este amplificata de faptul ca sotia celui disparut abia a facut rost de bani pentru a veni la Londra, dar, din pacate banii sunt insuficienti pentru a-i permite sa acopere cheltuielile cu transportul in tara a defunctului ei sot. Ambasada Romaniei la Londra nu o poate sprijini financiar, iar cei cativa prieteni si cunostinte pe care i-a avut Simion Ciurdar se zbat fara prea mare rezultat sa o ajute. Ca atare, facem un apel catre romanii din UK de a o ajuta pe Maria Ciurdar sa-si poata lua acasa,in Romania, sotul decedat, pentru a-l inmormanta dupa datina. Cei care vor dori sa faca donatii o pot face in zilele de 13 - 15 februarie la urmatoarele locatii: Restaurantul The Britannia 2 Sebastopol Road, Edmonton, London N9 0QH ( Tel: 020 8803 8409) Patiseria La Romana 33 Burnt Oak Broadway, Edgware, HA8 5JZ ( tel: 020 8205 0004) Informatii suplimentare pot fi obtinute de la dl. Anastasescu, care o asista pe sotia decedatului si care incearca de asemenea din rasputeri sa stranga donatii, Tel: 0779 4601 210

Inno Brezeanu

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